Civil Actions » Medical Malpractice Legal Questions and Answers
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Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit?
Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit? The malpractice happened in Texas and I now live in Florida. Where would I need to get a lawyer?
04/19/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: ALL | #3209Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice?
Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice? Can a tort claim of wrongful death prevail by libel,deceit, neglect and other tortious claims? Can the Doe in a first claim be used without the person being named or by them just being mentioned in the Complaint?
03/29/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: California | #2302
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