Contracts Legal Questions and Answers
What recourse can be taken if my mother signed a contract to sell and later recinded?
I currently live in a residence owned by my mother. She accepted an offer in writing to sell the property. She changed her mind about selling it,but the buyer is now suing her for breach of contract. Is she legally bound to sell now? Will a judge make her sell it? Also I am getting ready to renew my lease. If she is forced to sell it, do the new owners have to comply with the l...
04/18/2007 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Texas | #3176Can I back out of the sale of our home if we have not found somewhere to move to?
We recently sold our home and need to be out in 30 days. At the time of signing the contract with the buyer we stated to our realtor that we would need to be flexible on the closing. She agreed, but states we have to be out even though we have not found another place to live. Can we back out on the sale without problems?
04/16/2007 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Tennessee | #3130How long do I have after I purchased my car to return it without consequences?
I purchased a car on impulse that I can't afford. I traded my car in, but the next day I had buyers remorse. I went to the dealership to try to renege on the agreement but they said I couldn't. It was always my understanding they you had 72 business hours to renege on a contract. They said that does not apply to car sales.
03/26/2007 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Texas | #1524Would a settlement agreement with broad release language with a private university bar an action based on my student loan?
I was a student at a private university. I filed a lawsuit alleging breach of contract and disability discrimination. We agreed to an amicable settlement, the settlement agreement very broadly waives any right to future claims. Can the university waive my right to file a borrower's defense claim with the Department of Education (DoE) to discharge my student loans? There is some...
03/08/2017 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Oregon | #33635How Do I Protect My Liability if I Have Clients Participate in an Exercise Class?
I'm starting a Senior exercise program using the Jane Fonda Walk Out DVD. I do not want to be liable for any health issues that may result from anyone exercising. How do I protect myself from liability? Will a Doctor's permission be enough?
02/20/2011 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Hawaii | #24260Will a Release Protect Me if My Renters are Injured on my Premises?
I have a home that I rent out. I have regular insurance on the home but do not have it covered as a rental. The renters want to paint and I have no problem with that. However there are 20 foot ceilings and I am concerned about my liability if they fall off the ladder. Could they sue me? If I have them sign a release of liability for their personal injury, would that stand ...
11/03/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: South Carolina | #23548Can I Reprint an Interview if Consent Was Given Originally?
In 2007 I interviewed 20 people for my master's thesis. They signed consent forms at the time. I made the mistake of giving them the option to edit the transcribed interviews for facts which they all did. The thesis was duly published. Now I would like to publish some of the interviews in other venues. Do I need their permission?
10/06/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Ohio | #23339Does a Medical Release Prevent Liability for Negigence by a Doctor?
My son is having outpatient surgery in a few weeks. The hospital requires me to sign a form entitled 'Consent to Operation, Anesthetics, or other Medical Services.' I am a little concerned about the last paragraph. 'The operation/procedure has been fully explained to me by 'doctor's name' and I understand the consequences that may result from it. As an adult, without reserva...
09/22/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Mississippi | #23231How Does a Contractor Avoid Liability for Work Not Done to Specifications?
What kind of form do we need as a contractor if we want a customer to sign , so we are not held responsible if the conditions are not to are specifications?
07/26/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Wisconsin | #22751How Do I Protect Customers from Damage Claims from Vendors on Owner's Property?
Need an agreement to hold customer harmless for vendors the goals while on customers property for both physical damage to the vehicle, liability and property damage
06/21/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: California | #22439