Courts » Legal Definitions Legal Questions and Answers
What is the definition for felony child abuse, neglect, endangerment?
What is the definition for felony child abuse, neglect, endangerment?
11/02/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: California | #11494What is an affidavit of domicile?
What is an affidavit of domicile?
11/02/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Texas | #11465What Constitutes a Fence
What constitutes a fence? Is a row of potted cacti stacked 2 big pots high and touching each other considered a fence? They cannot be passed through nor stepped over and therefore serve the same purpose as a fence. This is in a residential area that does not permit fences. The cacti and other plants are on the very exterior edge of the entire lot.
11/02/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Arizona | #11457What does "federal and state statutory purposes" mean?
What does "federal and state statutory purposes" mean? My ex-wife is the custodial parent of one of my sons for "federal and state statutory purposes," while I am of the other. We both have "joint decision making" and "equal custodial time" with the children. There is absolutely nothing said in the court papers about "joint legal or physical custody", just the above descript...
10/31/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: West Virginia | #11354What is the Estoppel Law?
The insurance company has done all the contract work to from 2001 to 2005 without any request from me and has paid out about $300,000.00. The problem has not been resolved. The insurance limit is $1,000,000.00 This is about an enviromental problem. In March 2005 they told me that they were not going to pay anymore. I have never had input into their work on this project and had ...
10/30/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Texas | #11281What exactly is subsidence rights?
The coal mine wants to buy my subsidence rights. The subsidence rights are for my family owned business. What exactly is subsidence rights?
10/30/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: West Virginia | #11269Legal Definition of Dangerous Ordinance
What is the legal definition of Dangerous Ordinance? Is a bow and arrow used for deer hunting considered to be a dangerous ordinance?
10/29/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Ohio | #11146What is a a terroristic threat?
A person sent me a text message stating. "we are not done. I am on my way to your job to show you that you have messed with the wrong male. Is this considered a terroristic threat?
10/26/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Georgia | #11033What is possession of a prohibited weapon mean?
What is possession of a prohibited weapon mean?
10/26/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Texas | #11025What does Form/Foundation mean in legal terms when used in asking questions at a deposition?
When I Had to give a deposition, and the opposing attorney would be asking me a certain question, before I could answer my attorney would say Form, foundation. What does Form;Foundation mean in laymans terms?
10/24/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Arizona | #10870