Full Question:
What is Statutory Rape in North Carolina?
08/19/2007 |
Category: Criminal ยป Minors |
State: North Carolina |
“Statutory rape” is having sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of consent as defined by statute. Consent is no defense, although marriage is generally a defense. The law in North Carolina includes the following:
First Degree Rape (Class B-1 felony): Vaginal intercourse with victim under age 13 by defendant at least age 12 and 4 years older. First Degree Sexual Offense (Class B-1 felony) Sexual acts (not vaginal intercourse) with victim under age 13 by defendant at least age 12 and 4 years older; Statutory Rape by 13, 14 or 15 year old (Class B-1 or C felony) Vaginal intercourse or sexual act with 13, 14 or 15 year old by defendant 5 years older (Class C felony) or by defendant at least 6 years older (Class B-1 felony); Indecent Liberties with a Child (adult perpetrator) (Class F felony) Indecent and lewd acts with a child under age 16 by a defendant at least 5 years older: Intercourse and Sexual Offense with Certain Victims (Class E felony) Vaginal intercourse or sexual act by caretaker with a minor residing in the home, or by an agent of an institution or person having custody of a victim of any age; Indecent Liberties with a Child (juvenile perpetrator) (Class 1 misdemeanor) Indecent and lewd acts by a defendant under age 16 with a victim at least 3 years younger than the defendant; Indecent Liberties with a Student (Class I felony or A01 misdemeanor) Indecent and lewd acts by a teacher, administrator, or coach with a student at the same school, when the perpetrator is 4 or more years older than the victim (Class I felony) or less than 4 years older (Class A-1 misdemeanor); Intercourse and Sexual Offense with Certain Victims (schools) Vaginal intercourse or sexual act by a teacher, administrator, or coach with a student at the same school, when the perpetrator is 4 or more years older than the victim (Class G felony) or less than 4 years older (Class A-1 misdemeanor); Computer Solicitation of a Child (Class I felony) Computer solicitation of a child for sexual purposes by a perpetrator at least 16 with a victim under age 16 and at least 3 years younger than the perpetrator.