How far behind in child support does one need to be before his/her licenses is revoked?
Full Question:
Michigan child support enforcement is handled by the Friend of the Court (FOC) in the county that has jurisdiction over the case.
The listing of FOC numbers can be found at
Modification of a support order can by done by a FOC automatic review every 36 months or by requesting a support modification motion with the court.
Every 36 months the Friend of the Court does a review of child support orders. This review is automatic in public assistance cases, and upon written request in all other cases. When reviewing support, the Friend of the Court office may request information from the parents' employer, including address, social security number, date of birth, wages earned, and dependent health care coverage available as a benefit of employment. When directed by the judge, the Friend of the Court office will also conduct a financial investigation and make a written report and recommendation to the parties involved (or their attorneys) and the judge regarding child support.
Customers can send an Objection to Child Support Review form to their Friend of the Court if he or she receives a notice of a child support review (Form FOC 71) and he or she does not agree with the determination.
You may choose to file a motion to change the support order more often than every three years if there is a substantial change in income for either party.
The office of the Friend of the Court can provide forms and instructions to file this type of motion. You may also contact an attorney to file a motion requesting a change in the amount of support.
If both parents agree to change the support order to the amount shown by the child support formula, they may sign an agreement. Once that agreement is put in the form of an order, signed by the judge, and filed with the county clerk, it will become a court order.