Divorce » Spousal Support Legal Questions and Answers
Can a spouse apply for canceling spousal support payment if the recipient remarries in Ohio?
I divorced my husband about 8 months back. Although, I was successful in obtaining the decree of divorce, I was ordered by the court to pay a spousal support of $1150 every month until such time that he is able to find himself a job or remarry. When he started earning $300 from his part-time job, the court modified the support payment to $850 every month. He remarried about two...
11/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Ohio | #27361What are the grounds under which court can terminate alimony order?
I am a divorcee living in Texas. My ex-husband has been providing me alimony per the court order which helps me take care of my living expenses. But since two weeks I have been having a romantic relationship with someone. We have not decided to get married yet. But can the court terminate the alimony order if I start seeing someone else?
11/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Texas | #27352Am I legally obligated to support a spouse who has a history of substance abuse?
I have been living separately from my wife who was into substance abuse. She recently lost her job because she was found using cocaine within the company premises. She has approached the court in San Francisco for claiming support. Am I legally obligated to provide her support out of the income I earn?
11/23/2016 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: California | #27101Can I Get Spousal Support in a Divorce if it was Terminated During Separation?
I Just went to circuit court in Virginia. i was receiving 2000 spousal support during or separation but the judge did not grant us a divorce and took my spousal support away. Can i request spousal support again when we do divorce?
05/01/2010 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Virginia | #21968What is Imputed Income and How Does it Relate to Spousal Support?
What does imputed income mean in divorce what determines spousal support?
02/07/2010 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: California | #20827When Can A Former Spouse File For Continuing Maintenance in Illinois?
If my ex-wife asks for an extension of maintenance after 30 months. The divorce was granted on march 8,2007 she filed for extension on Sept 21, 2009. the judge granted her motion to be heard based on the fact that the marital settlement agreement was filed on march 19th 2007 but it was filed nunc pro tunc to march 8th. should she be able to ask for her motion to be heard given ...
11/23/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Illinois | #19762Will My Wife Get Alimony if We Divorce in Minnesota?
My gross monthly income is $3900.00 and hers is $2400.00. She is fully capable of supporting herself. we have been married for 26 years. Should or would she receive spousal maintenance?
11/18/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Minnesota | #19679How Much Alimony Can Be Awarded in South Carolina and For How Long?
I have been married for 19 years. I earn $83,000 per year and my husband earns $38,000. I pay the college expenses for our 18 year old and I plan to support our 13 year old. Is it likely that I will be required to pay spousal maintenance to my husband and if so how long is support usually granted?
10/25/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: South Carolina | #19285What are the laws about paying alimony when person is retired and receiving social security?
What are the laws about paying alimony when person is retired and receiving social security? Only taking out monthly amount from 401's and ex spouse signed off on pension at time of divorce.
02/13/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Massachusetts | #15239Do I still have to support my wife if she is living with another man and we are not divorced?
If wife is cohabitating with a man, receives alimony from husband, and not divorced, is husband required to support wife?
02/03/2009 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Florida | #15136