Landlord Tenant Legal Questions and Answers
Do I have to pay for a utility related charge that was not disclosed in my lease?
I live in an apartment complex in Tustin,CA. I'm billed directly for gas and electric. A Utilities Billing Service gathers water, sewer and trash fees billed to the complex owner, prorates those fees according the number of units and sends me a bill. Recently, a new item identified as O.C. Sanitation District was added ($19) to the bill. There was no prior notice of this add...
03/08/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #33601Can a landlord enter into the rental house without taking tenant’s consent?
When can a landlord enter into the rental house without taking tenant’s permission?
03/03/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #33280Can there be a provision in the rental agreement in which one party agrees to pay the other party's attorney fees.
My landlord says that he wants to add a clause in the agreement, which says that the tenant would be responsible for paying landlord attorney fees in case there is any conflict. Is that a legal thing to do? Please advise.
03/03/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #33278Is it lawful for the landlord to increases rent because the tenant joined a tenant union?
My landlord is a sick guy. He is been troubling me since the day I joined the tenants union. Now for no reason he has increased the rent. Is it lawful for my landlord to do so?
03/03/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #33277If the rental agreement does not fix a definite term, what will be term of the lease?
What if the agreement doesn’t speak on the time period of the lease? In such cases what will the term of lease be? Would like to know Iowa law in this regard.
03/03/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #33270How much should be notice in a year-to-year tenancy?
How many days notice do I have to give if I want to leave a rented house? Mine is year-to-year tenancy.
03/01/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: West Virginia | #33099My tenant abandoned the property. He also has rent dues. Can I get the possession of the house back?
My tenant has gone missing from the rental house. He has left a few of his personal items behind. I need to take two months’ rent payment from him, but I don’t know where he is. Can I get my house back at least?
03/01/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: West Virginia | #33098Can a landlord to add a clause in the rental agreement, stating that the tenant’s will not plan for a family during the term of the tenancy?
I am on a lookout for a tenant for my two-bedroom house in New York. I prefer unmarried or childless couple, as I hate kids. I wanna know if it is possible for a landlord to have it in the rental agreement itself that the tenant won't be planning for family or having kids during the term of the tenancy?
02/28/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #33032Can a landlord force the tenant to pay rent by electronic medium?
My landlord is forcing me to pay my rent through an electronic system and is refusing to accept cash or check payment. Under the New York law, is a landlord permitted to force a tenant to use an electronic payment system as the only method for the payment of rent?
02/28/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #33031My landlord is not allowing my parents live with me in my rented house. What can I do in this situation?
My landlord is not allowing my dad to move in with me in my rented house. What can I do in this situation? I am resident of New York.
02/28/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #33030