LLC Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Admit a New Member to a LLC in Louisiana?
In Louisiana a sole member LLC wishes to admit a new member--will a resolution to that effect suffice or do you need additional forms or contracts such as a member purchase agreement etc, to accomplish the intent?
07/23/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Louisiana | #17721Do you have to have an operating agreement when forming an LLC?
A friend and I filed the papers with the state to form a LLC , but there was no written operating agreement between the two of us and he refuses to proceed with it. I asked him over and over and he either ignores me or says that he will, but continues to evade the issue. Do I need to force the issue and if so, how? We have gotten our LLC back from the state and have been oper...
06/08/2009 | Category: LLC | State: North Carolina | #16895Amendment of Form to Transfer Interest of a LLC Member
I just purchased an 'Agreement to Redeem Interest of a Single Member in an LLC' from US Legal Forms. In Section 1, we are not conveying to '___' any personal property (clause (ii)). Therefore, may I remove that portion to simply read, 'In complete redemption of his interest, the Company shall (i) make a cash payment to ___ of $xx.xx ?
06/02/2009 | Category: LLC | State: California | #16844How can I stop an employee from leaving our company and starting a competitive business?
We have a member/manger of our Arizona LLC leaving suddenly in order to provide the exact same services using one of our new contractors to do the work, because he can cut out the shared profits. We are an independent energy consultancy and marketing company for sustainable energy installers, perhaps a unique business model for our market that was hard to establish and educate ...
05/27/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Arizona | #16795Can I transfer my property to an LLC without having the tax lien follow it?
I have a state tax lien on me. I own a few rental properties, could I transfer my property to an LLC without having the tax lien follow it?
05/26/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Texas | #16786How do I go about dissolving an LLC partnership in existence for less than a year?
How do I go about dissolving an LLC partnership in existence for less than a year?
05/26/2009 | Category: LLC | State: New York | #16778Is there such thing as theft by deception and can you file a lawsuit for it?
My significant other and I have created and operated a successful restaurant for the past two years. Originally a friend volunteered to secure the line of credit to get it up and running and was the one who filed for the LLC which the restaurant operates under. He has now forced closure of the restaurant and wants us to buy the restaurant from him stating that he was the owner...
05/03/2009 | Category: LLC | State: South Dakota | #16526I want to sell my LLC to another person
I have a GA LLC and want to sell all of the company to another person. What steps do I need to take?
04/29/2009 | Category: LLC | State: ALL | #16443I am dissolving my LLC and am wondering what are my rights to the assets?
We are dissolving an LLC and I need to know where to find the information on our legal rights in regards to the division of our assets and items pending sale.
04/29/2009 | Category: LLC | State: ALL | #16414I have an LLC right now and want to expand my business
I have an LLC/sole proprietor right now making custom apparel that is my own brand. I market using the LLC name and do everything under this name. However, I want to start doing corporate t-shirts and promotion products but I don't want to use my LLC name to market to Corporate clients because corporate clients are more formal and I don't think it would look appropriate or prof...
04/28/2009 | Category: LLC | State: ALL | #16279