LLC Legal Questions and Answers
What type of corporation would be best for my new family business?
I would like to form a corporaration in the State of Washington. My business is purchasing land and houses, remodeling the houses and resaleing them. I will be using my son in law as my general contractor, as well as my three sons to help with the remodeling of the houses. It will be a family business controlled by me. Would an LLC be the best corporation for this type of busin...
04/11/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Washington | #2940How should I choose management for my LLC?
I am creating an LLC. I will be the only member. Should I choose management by manager or management reserved to members. What is the difference with regard to taxes?
02/09/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Alabama | #629Should I form an LLC to help protect my rental properties?
I have recently started renting out properties. I live in Wyoming, and I have one monthly rental in Wyoming and one in Utah. I was wondering about forming an LLC to protect me and/or if I should get a large insurance umbrella to protect me. What are the laws in Utah for an LLC? What does it cost and how do the taxes on an LLC work in Utah?
02/08/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Utah | #567How do I incorporate to an LLP with 2 owners and employees from a sole proprietor company?
We have a sole proprietor company and would like to incorporate to an LLP with 2 owners and employees. What forms would I need to file and can we use the same EIN number?
02/08/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Pennsylvania | #498What is needed to turn my LLC into an S corporation?
I currently have a limited liability company (LLC). I want to order the corporation package, and form an S-Corp. Do I need special forms to retain my tax I.D. numbers, DUNS# etc.? Also, one of the members of the LLC will be leaving after we dissolve it. Do I need any special forms for this? The business will continue as an S Corporation with one less member (shareholder).
02/07/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Montana | #464What business form is best for a business that is looking for protection from liability?
Several people have decided to open a new business and they are trying to decide which form of business provides them with the most flexibility and protection, without being overly burdensome with regulatory issues. What business form offers the best choices for a business that is looking for protection from liability, while still maintaining flexibility?
01/05/2007 | Category: LLC | State: Alabama | #136