Marriage Legal Questions and Answers
Can I claim that my consent was obtained by fraud?
I had broken up with my fiancee and called of our wedding. But later my boyfriend got me drunk and persuaded me to marry him. Can I move to the court against this marriage and say that my consent to the marriage was obtained by fraud? I live in Georgia.
02/27/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Georgia | #32948Can a half blood brother and sister get married to each other in Georgia?
Can a half blood brother and sister get married to each other in Georgia?
02/27/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Georgia | #32947When is parental consent required in a marriage in Georgia?
My parents died when I was young. Now that I’m 17 year old and wanting to get married, will I be asked for parental consent? I live in Georgia with my aunt.
02/27/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Georgia | #32946Is a marriage that was conducted within 4 months after the entry of an interlocutory decree in a proceeding for divorce valid in Guam?
I married my gf 2 months ago in Guam. The court granted my divorce with my former wife last week. I already had an interlocutory decree of divorce which was entered by court 6 months ago. Is my marriage with my gf valid?
02/24/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: ALL | #32819What is the legitimacy of the child in a bigamous relationship?
I have been married to my wife for over five years and have a son together. Lately, I found out that she hadn’t divorced her previous husband, making’ our marriage a bigamous one. Will this affect the legitimacy of our son in Indiana?
02/20/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Indiana | #32490What evidence proves that a minister has authority to solemnize a marriage?
I am getting married in a couple of months. What evidence proves that a particular minister can solemnize marriage in Ohio?
02/20/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Ohio | #32488What method of consent need to be taken for minors to get married?
My boyfriend and I wana get married. We are 17 years old. What method of consent do we need to take in order to get married in Ohio?
02/20/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Ohio | #32487Can I retain my middle name after my marriage and change only my surname to that of my husband’s.
I have a doubt with regard to the change of name after marriage. Can I retain my middle name after my marriage and change only my surname to that of my husband’s.
02/17/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Oregon | #32344Who is eligible to get married in Connecticut?
Who is eligible to get married in Connecticut? Could you also tell me the related statutory provision?
02/16/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Connecticut | #32275Who are the persons who are legally authorized to join persons in marriage?
Who are the persons legally authorized to join persons in marriage? Is there any Connecticut law in this regard?
02/16/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Connecticut | #32272