Minors » Child Support Legal Questions and Answers
What happens if my Mother fails to pay child support to me in Nevada?
My mom was ordered by the Nevada family court to pay my sister and me 2000 dollars as child support. But my mom never paid any money to us. Can we move to the court again for this matter?
03/08/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Nevada | #33582What happens is my Daughter does not support and care for her child in Hawaii?
My daughter doesn't want to keep her baby with her. She is ready to provide monetary support but just doesn't want to support the baby any other way. What can I do? Please advice. My daughter is resident of Hawaii.
03/08/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Hawaii | #33580What is the punishment for child violating courts child support order in New Hampshire?
My ex-husband was ordered to pay 3000 dollars child support to our kids. He was paying initially, now he has completely stopped. He said he would give the money soon. But he hasn't gotten back to me with the child support payments for over 6 months now. Can I move to the court on this matter? I live in New Hampshire.
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: New Hampshire | #33509What is the punishment for child non-support in Texas?
My brother lives with his kids (7 and 14 year old girls) in Texas. His wife left him one month ago. It seems that she doesn’t want to take the responsibility of kids and so she decided to move out. Can a mother refuse to take the responsibility of her own kids?
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Texas | #33503What is the punishment for child non-support in Vermont?
My friend left her husband and baby for a job in N.Y. Her husband is still living in the hope that my friend would return for the baby’s sake. If my friend never returns and refuses to take care of her baby, would she be punishable under the law prevailing in Vermont.
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Vermont | #33502What is the punishment for child non-support in Virginia?
My ex-husband is paying child support to his son (12 year old) regularly. Now we are planning to have a baby, which means our expenses would increase. If my husband refuses to pay child support to his kids, would he be punished? We live in Virginia.
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Virginia | #33501What is the punishment for child non-support in Washington?
My sister’s husband refuses to look after his kids. My sister is looking for a job, until then she literally has no means to support her two kids. My brother in law is earning well and owns five hotels in Washington. Can we approach the court against my brother in law?
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Washington | #33500What is the punishment for not being regular with child support payments in West Virginia?
The court ordered my ex-husband to pay 10,000 dollars as child support to our 5-year-old twins. He is not been regular with the payments lately. It’s been over months now that I received any payments (child support) from my ex-husband. What is the punishment for not being regular with child support payments in West Virginia?
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: West Virginia | #33499What is the punishment for child non-support in Wyoming?
I’ve never had cordial relationship with my parents. Now it’s gotten worse as my mom & dad have kicked me out of the house. I’m 15 years old and don’t have job, nor do I have money to pay for my school fee or other needs. What can I do in this situation? I am a resident of Wyoming.
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Wyoming | #33498What is the consequence of non-payment of child support in Ohio?
I live in Ohio. My ex-wife and I have two children together. I gambled away the money meant for child support payments for my children. What kind of trouble am I looking at?
03/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Ohio | #33496