Real Property » Deeds Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Inherit Property of a Former Spouse if the Deed is Improperly Completed During Divorce?
I filed a quit claim to my house when I divorced my ex-husband in 1998. Property is in New Hampshire. We were Joint tenants with right of survivorship. Apparently when the new deed was written it included the phrase 'joint tenant with right of survivorship' although it only has his name. He has now died and the lawyer for his estate is asking me to sign papers to correct the...
09/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #18871What form do we need to add an adult child's name to home deed?
My father passed away. Both parents names are on the deed to their home. We want to remove my fathers name and add an adult child's name so that the property will go directly to them upon my mothers death. What form do we use to accomplish this?
09/25/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #18785How is a right of reverter established when donating land for a specific use?
My son has adjoining property to mine and he is donating 5 acres to Feed My Lambs Ministries, Inc. to build a child care facility. If the facility ever 'closes its doors', he would like the deed/contract to state that the property reverts back to him. I am the President of Feed My Lambs and I will be taking out a loan/mortgage for the purchase of the building to be built on the...
09/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Georgia | #18774In Louisiana, how can I become owner of property bought by fiance prior to marriage?
I'm looking to move to New Orleans, LA. If my fiance' singns off on the deed/title to the home we're looking to have buildt, how will I be able to add my name once we're married. My fiance' is looking to close the deal on the house tomorrow, Friday, 09/25/09 and I was wondering if I could get advice before meeting up with the mortgage office.
09/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Maryland | #18767How Do I Transfer Property From the Name of a Deased?
my girlfriend has the deed to a home in florida. her name and her deceased husbands name are on the deed. she wants to put my name, with her name on a new deed. which type of deed do we fill out for that purpose? the property is in holmes county, florida. we are in california
09/11/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #18576What effect does a deed transfer have on future inheritance?
Many years ago my grandmother deeded her house/property to my uncle and my mother (my mother then deeded me her part). Then Grandmother had a will made bequeathing to me all property and real, leaving my uncle $1. Does my uncle have a legal claim to the property?
09/02/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Oklahoma | #18406How Do I Transfer a Deed From Myself and My Child to My Child Only?
I am looking for a form I believe its called joint tenant. We need one for my single daughter. My daughter lives here in my home. I am a widow and wish to leave our home to her. We still have a mortgage. Our home is in her name, but I was wondering if we need to do a joint tenant form for her. Could you please let us know what form to order? Thank you very much.
08/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #18361Grant of usufruct or life estate
After I die and if this cousin survives me, I want to give her, an elderly cousin of mine, useful rights to use a mobile home I own and land it's on in the event of my death. After this person dies my property goes to my daughters who are my only children and my legal heirs. What legal steps are needed as to how I go about this?
08/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Louisiana | #18338How Do I Transfer a Deed From Myself and My Son to Only My Son?
I have a home in Oregon I live in AZ my sons name is on the title I want to give the house to him for money he loaned me what do I need to do?
08/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Arizona | #18241How Do I Transfer Property From the Name of a Deased?
I have recently married a widow and need to know how to go about changing names on the deed to the property she owned jointly with her deceased husband into hers and my names. The property is paid for so their is no mortgage holder. Thank You
08/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #18156