Real Property » Deeds Legal Questions and Answers
Recording Contract for Deed in California
I purchased a small gas station (real property) and the seller holds the title until I pay off the loan balance. We used contract for deed form to complete the transaction. How do I record this document in Sacramento county to protect myself. What Kind of form, procedure, or any requirement of extra documents besides contract for deed and fee?
06/01/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #16837Spousal real property, wife's name as grantee omitted from deed
My husband and I bought a lot in Brunswick county, NC. Some how my name did not get added to the deed. The lawyer we used for the sale now says it does not matter if something happens to him (we have been married 20 years) that it will automatically be mine. I am concerned that should he be sued (has his own business), since it is soley in his name that a debter could place ...
05/27/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: South Carolina | #16792What is needed for our son to grant deed property to us that we once owned?
Our son is grant deeding property to my husband and I. Does he have to have permission from the lender since his name is on the loan? Is this a legal and viable transaction? If not, what about being added on the deed since we were the original owners before we deeded it over to him.
05/23/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #16766What is a TCA code needed for a Warranty Deed?
I have purchased a WD off of your website that I am using to transfer a property out of my name to a trust that is mine. I am using a warranty deed because I understand that it provides much more protection that just a general quit claim deed. The register of deeds office in Shelby County Tennessee is telling me that I need a TCA code put on the WD saying why the transfer is ex...
05/13/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Tennessee | #16660What type of deed is needed to add my mother to the deed?
There is currently a quitclaim deed on the house in my brother's name and would like to add my mother's name to the deed. Should we use quit claim deed or warranty deed. I need to make sure that the deed will not allow my brother to sell the house without my mother's permission and that my mother does not get put on the hook to collect on any debts that were encumbered prior ...
05/11/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #16633If my mother deeds her home to me will I have to pay taxes based on the value of the house?
My mother wants to quit claim her house to me. It is paid for. A friend of mine said I would have to pay taxes based on the value of the house. Is this true? If this is true what kind of document can we use so I won't have to pay taxes?
05/05/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #16578On a warranty deed can a person who is, a trustee or a sucessor, along with a corporation can that position be leagally passe...
On a warranty deed can a person who is, a trustee or a sucessor, along with a corporation can that position be leagally passed down or controlled by blood relative, if its a legal document?
04/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #16500How do I add my daughter's name to my property deed?
How do I add my daughter's name, with my name, on my property deed? The deed currently has only my name on it.
04/29/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #16390How do I add my son and his wife to the property deed?
My wife and I own, and reside on a property that has two houses on it. Our son and his wife live in the second house on the same property. We want to add my son and his wife to the deed with us as co-owners. what type of deed should we use in this situation?
04/29/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #16385How does the joint owner of a property give up his share?
We have 66.7% ownership in a condominium. The 33.3% owner would like to be removed from all obligation. What is the most cost effective method to handle this transaction?
04/28/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #16346