Wills and Estates » Revocation Legal Questions and Answers
How can a will be revoked in Alaska?
My husband made a will when he was a bachelor. Now he wants to revoke the will and make a new one. How can a will be revoked in Alaska?
03/09/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Alaska | #33644I made a Will in 1990 but I now want to revoke it. How do I revoke a Will in Alabama?
I made a Will in 1990 but I now want to revoke it and make a new Will. How do I revoke a Will in Alabama? I made the first Will I before I was married and had children.
03/02/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Alabama | #33207What is the Tennessee law on revocation of will?
Few years back on my 50th birthday, I had made a will that I wanna revoke. How do I go about doing that per the law in Tennessee?
02/13/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Tennessee | #32049Can you tell me the procedure for revoking only a part of my will in Florida?
I retired from my job last year and came to live in Florida with my youngest daughter. As I am unable to take care of my properties and accounts, my daughter manages it. Once day she persuaded me to make a will and put everything in her name, which I did. After that, her attitude has changed drastically. I think I did a mistake by making her the successor of major portion of my...
02/09/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Florida | #31845What is the procedure for revoking a will in Virginia?
My dad had made a will with respect to his property in Virginia in which he had given me major portion of his estate. He wants me to stay in Virginia and complete my higher education in Virginia. But I want to go to New York for my degree. We had an argument over this and he said that he would not give me a penny from his pocket if I go to N.Y. He also tore his will in anger. I...
02/08/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Virginia | #31760Summary of Florida Laws on Revocation of a Will Explained
I am doing research on revocation of Wills in Florida and would like to know if you have a summary of the laws on this?
02/07/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Florida | #31706Is it possible to revoke a will in Kentucky?
I made a will few years back regarding the division of my property upon my death. Recently, I realized that the division of property was unfair and unjust. Is it possible to revoke a will in Kentucky?
12/23/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: Kentucky | #28659Do I have an option to make substantial changes to my existing will?
I am planning to get married and wanted to make substantial changes to my existing will. Can I revoke or cancel my existing will and create a new one?
11/09/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Revocation | State: ALL | #26493