Wills and Estates » Spouses Legal Questions and Answers
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What is a Mutual Will?
What is a Mutual Will?
01/16/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: ALL | #30363Can I inherit my husband’s estate, who had bequeathed the entire estate to his nephew?
My husband and I were living separately for the last couple of years. My husband, who had an accident last year confining him to a wheelchair, was under the care of his nephew for the last few months. He passed away a few weeks back. He had bequeathed the entire estate to his nephew. Can I inherit my late husband’s estate? I live in Chicago.
01/16/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Illinois | #30289Should my husband will me the house or add me to the deed? which is safer for me and our child
should my husband will me the house or add me to the deed? which is safer for me and our child
12/24/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Ohio | #28737Mother left Property to Husband and two Children equally but Husband took 1/2 and more. Please help.
My mother passed and left her estate to be divided three ways. Myself, my brother and her husband. Her husband (the executor) took half, and then divided he other half three ways. This seems wrong. Is it legal? Also, Can I find out her net worth (stock portfolio) in the year or so prior to her passing?
11/27/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: California | #27211Hello my name is Amy. I'm Mother of a 2 yr. Old son born the day my Father passed away on 11/6/14. His wife my step mother told me I was excluded from his will. Upon me asking for a copy. Quickly selling their jointly shared property with My family that w
Hello my name is Amy. I'm Mother of a 2 yr. Old son born the day my Father passed away on 11/6/14. His wife my step mother told me I was excluded from his will. Upon me asking for a copy. Quickly selling their jointly shared property with My family that we resided on after in February 2015. I was Escorted off by police. And trespassed. Forcing my son and I to the street leaving...
11/25/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Florida | #27153If my husband writes out a will leaving his estate to his kids do I as his spouse have any rights in Vermont?
If my husband in the state of Vermont writes out a will leaving his estate and his money to his kids do I get nothing
11/20/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Vermont | #26952How Do I Make Sure My Children Inherit My Estate Instead of My Husband?
I am in the process of re-financing my home that I owned with my exhusband. I have since remarried and do not want my current husband to be entitled to an inheritance that belongs to my 3 daughters. What form is best to use in this case? I would like the agreement to allow my current husband to live in the house after my death so long as it ultimately ends up as my daughter...
09/20/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Florida | #23216
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