Debts and Credit Legal Questions and Answers
Can my credit card debt from 1996 still be collected?
I had a Visa (credit card) in 1996, it maxed out at $9,900, which I could not pay. In January of 2000, a law firm filled a judgment in New York against me for $23,000 plus accrued interest, lawyer fees, penalties, and etc. Is this still collectible? What recourse do I have?
04/28/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: New York | #16253If someone secures a credit card in a ficticous name and pays the card, is this fraud?
A person using a fictious name (fictious person for name does not exist}receives a credit card offer for the fictious person and accepts.He then uses the card and makes monthly payments to the account.Does this become fraud and can it result in a legal arrest without a complaint by the card provider.
10/31/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Florida | #11359Am I responsible for my credit card debt?
I received a Motion to Claim Exempt Property on Credit Card Debt. My question is I do not own Property. I am a house wife and my husband is the Owner of our home ( my name is not on the Title) as NC is a homestead state. My question is should I even file exceptions since I do not own property nor have a Job. And most importantly can they go after my husband.
05/24/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: North Carolina | #5867Is there a statute of limitations on credit card debt?
I recently received a summons for a court date for an old credit card debt, a 5 year old credit card debt that is. I was doing some research and found something called the Statute of Limitations saying that if the debt is more than 4 years old, they do not have the right to collect. Is this true? Should I have to go to court anyway to tell this to the judge or is it not going t...
05/15/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Florida | #4789Do I have a discrimination case when there was no basis for the limit decrease?
I was given a credit card with a $1000.00 limit and later that limit was reduced by $300.00. The Letter from the bank stated "authorizations at high risk merchants" I later find out that the "high risk merchants" wasn't that at all. The customer service rep stated that "I used my card too frequently". I was never late, never went over my limit and paid more than my minimum paym...
05/09/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: New York | #4365Is my wife responsible for my credit card debt?
We moved here from Indiana 3 years ago. I had my own credit cards. I went own total disability. Is my wife responsible for my debt now that we live in Arizona?
05/05/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Arizona | #3852Can one company give my credit card number to another company?
Is it legal for a company that you order a product from, to give out your credit card number to another company?
04/28/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Virginia | #3386Am I responsible for credit card debt of my deceased husband?
My husband passed and had several thousand dollars worth of credit card debt in his name only. I am being harrassed by the credit card companies to settle this debt. They have threatened to take my property, cars, life insurance which I am the beneficiary of and the pension that I am entitled to from his work. Can they do this in the state of Missouri? I have minor children...
04/17/2007 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Missouri | #3166How Do I Get a Judgment Removed From My Credit Report?
After a judgement, garnishment or warrant in debt has been satisfied, how do have it removed from your credit report?
12/01/2011 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Repair | State: Virginia | #25556Will a Judgment Be Dismissed if the Plaintiff Can't be Found to Pay it Off?
I have a judgement against me that shows up in my credit report. I wish to pay the judgement but I cannot find the plaintif as they have gone out of business. Would the judge dismiss the judgement? It was filed in 2004 and in 3 months it will expire.
07/08/2011 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Repair | State: Virginia | #25158