Divorce » Alimony Legal Questions and Answers
I am a divorcee and have been providing monthly alimony to my ex-wife. I lose job. Can I reduce alimony?
I am a divorcee and have been providing monthly alimony to my ex-wife. I was working in a private firm in South Carolina, but recently my company shut down. At present I am surviving on small part-time jobs and do not have a fixed income. I wanted to know if I can apply to the Court for amending the alimony amount that was fixed two years back, and reduce the alimony amount as ...
12/19/2016 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: South Carolina | #28381Can my alimony get terminated if I live with my boyfriend?
I am a divorcee and have been getting a fixed amount as alimony on a monthly basis from my ex-husband. I have a boyfriend but we have no plans of getting married in the near future. Sometimes my boyfriend comes to stay with me at my apartment, but that is only for a few days or a week. We have never been in a continuous live-in relationship. Last week my ex-husband came home n ...
12/19/2016 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: South Carolina | #28378Will i get alimony if i have been separated for 7 years without payment by Husband. Will I get alimony now?
Will I get alimony if I have been separated for 7 years without getting any money from my husband.
10/28/2016 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: California | #25824How Do I Stop Alimony Due to Financial Changes?
Can I stop alimony due to financial changes..no children , disabled, and remarried since 2005.
01/05/2012 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Connecticut | #25582When Does Alimony End if You Also Receive an Ex-Spouse's Pension?
I am receiving alimony after a marriage of 27 years. I will be eligible to start receiving my share of my ex husband's pension in a few months. When if start collecting the pension, will I lose my alimony?
07/15/2011 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: California | #25185What is the Maximum I Have to Pay for Alimony in Illinois?
I am currently seperated from my wife of ten years. I am disabled with an annual income of $25,666 (Social Security and pension). I recieve $2,139 per month. What is the maximun am I required to pay in alimony? after a divorce?
06/12/2011 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Illinois | #25010Can I Request Alimony After the Divorce is Final?
My ex-husband and I were married 5 years and separated for the legal year required in North Carolina. We got a divorce in 2009. He pays full child support meaning anything our child needs, he pays for, it does not come to me in any financial form. I gave up rights for alimony because I thought I would be OK, working 2 jobs. With the 2 jobs, I make slightly under $30,000. I have...
06/02/2011 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: North Carolina | #24950if my ex wife commits a crime against me , is this grounds to have alimoney reconsidered ?
if my ex wife commits a crime against me , is this grounds to have alimoney reconsidered ?
10/21/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: South Carolina | #23457What Are My Ex-Spouse's Obligations for Alimony if He Retires?
I am receiving alimony. We were married 25 years. He is planning on retiring when he is 55, next year. He is going to work on the side. What is his obligation to me?
07/25/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Florida | #22739Can a Spouse Be Forced to Work Additional Jobs to Pay Alimony?
Is it a legal requirement for a man's overtime income or additional employment (in addition to his primary full time job as an airline first officer) be taken into account when determining the amount of spousal maintenance due? In other words, is it enforcable to make the man work more than 1 full time job?
04/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Colorado | #21849