Divorce » Child Support Legal Questions and Answers
My ex wife lives in Texas and is behind over $6,000.00 in child support. Help.
I live in Arizona but my ex wife lives in Texas, she hasn't paid child support since change of custody in july and the state hasn't done anything even after us inquiring. She is almost $6000 arrears. Can we Lein her property for that to encourage payment?
04/23/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Texas | #36175With joint custody set forth, is it allowable for one parent to change residence without notifying other party?
In a divorce with joint custody set forth, is it allowable for one parent to change residence without ever notifying the other of the new address ?
03/10/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Arizona | #33723What is the parents’ duty to support the incapacitated child?
I am a divorcee residing in California. I have an incapacitated son, who is 22 years old. My ex-husband has stopped providing child support after my son has attained 19 years. Is there any provision to claim parents support to an incapacitated child? If yes, does the duty to support ends upon attaining majority by the incapacitated child?
03/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: California | #33266Does a parent’s changed martial status affects the obligation of child support?
I am divorcee mother of two minor children residing in California. For the last three months the father of the children has stopped providing child support. I came to know that my ex-husband got remarried. Can his marital status affect his child support obligation?
03/03/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: California | #33264Can one apply for modification of the child support order in West Virginia?
My ex husband pays certain amount as child support every month. This amount was fixed when I had a job. I don’t have a job at the moment and need more money to take care of my child’s expenses. When can one apply for modification of the child support order? Please tell me the West Virginia law in this regard.
02/21/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: West Virginia | #32583Can a parent provide child support beyond the age of 18 years in Kansas?
My dad wants me to enroll at a law school. He says that he’s gonna fund my education for the entire course. Can a parent provide child support beyond the age of 18 years in Kansas? Do I need to take his written statement for continuance of child support?
02/20/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Kansas | #32504Can relocation or remarriage be a factor for modifying the child support in Iowa?
Since 2015, I have been providing child support to my child who lives with my ex-wife. I am thinking of getting married and leaving Iowa. Can relocation or remarriage be a reason for modifying the child support?
02/06/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Iowa | #31610In Arizona, what are the factors that the court considers while determining the amount of child support?
My husband and I decided to part ways and filed for divorce. We have one son from our marriage, and he is staying with me post divorce. I have filed for child support in the family court of Arizona. What are the factors that the court considers while determining the amount of child support?
01/25/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Arizona | #30957What factors does the court consider when determining the child support amount in New Jersey?
My husband and I are getting divorced. We have two children together. What factors does the court consider when determining the child support amount in New Jersey?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New Jersey | #30519Can interest be charged on child support arrears in Wisconsin?
I stay in Wisconsin. For the last 6 months, I am not receiving any child support. The child support amount has become overdue. Am I entitled to get the arrears with interest?
01/18/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Wisconsin | #30513