Employment Legal Questions and Answers
Can my employer change the times and days that I work without my permission?
For the past six years, I have been schedule to work a 5am to 1:30pm shift. It was agreed upon when I transfer to another department. I feel there is a past practice law being broken, this was the agreement with my boss and my manager. Now I am told I can't work this anymore. Also, I was given off Tue. and Sat. for my apprenticeship job which is also in this agreement. Do I hav...
04/25/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #3310Is it legal for my employer to hold my state drivers liscense during work hours?
I am a vendor for a company in Braintree, Massachusetts. When I check in for work to get a vendor badge, they make me give them my Massachusetts Drivers License. I feel very uncomfortable leaving this with them for 8 to 10 hours at a time and I feel I should have my license on me at all times. Is there a law that they cannot take your drivers license. Is this property of mine...
04/15/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Massachusetts | #3104How do I make sure I will receive my past paycheck if my employer is filing bankruptcy?
My former employee has failed to pay me. I have reported it to the Department of Labor; however it has been brought to my attention that he is about to file chaper 13 bankruptcy. What do I need to do to ensure I get my money, the money I have already worked for.
04/13/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Georgia | #3053How are deputy assessors in the state of Indiana to be paid?
I am a deputy assessor in the state of Indiana. Under IC 36-6-8-10 it says we shall, and have always been for 34 years paid per diem, for a certain number of days. Our council now says that Federal Law says we must be paid per hour. I cannot find anything that says this.. Is it true?
04/12/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Indiana | #2999What is the legal amount of time off for "paternity leave"?
What is the legal amount of time off for "paternity leave". We are a small company with only 4 employees located in Los Angeles.
04/11/2007 | Category: Employment | State: California | #2956Is it legal for my employer to force us to wear certain color uniforms that we purchase ourselves?
Recently my place of employment told us that we had to wear a certain color scrubs or we would get points and then eventually be suspended, first is this legal? Are they supposed to give us an allowance for these uniforms they want us to wear. I am an emergency room technician and they are telling us that we have to wear navy blue and the nurses have to wear seal blue. We are t...
04/10/2007 | Category: Employment | State: New Jersey | #2891If I am an at will employee and my employer terminates me, can I still collect unemployment?
I am an "at will employee". If my employer decides to terminate my employment, will I be able to collect unemployment benefits.
04/09/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Illinois | #2841How does an employer determine if employees can take breaks?
What is the status of breaks in the work place? Also, the smoke free law is vague. I work in a place where we plasma burn, weld etc. Tell me more.
04/07/2007 | Category: Employment | State: New Jersey | #2747In Maryland, are there legal ramifications to firing an employee with no written contract?
In Maryland, are there legal ramifications to firing an employee with no written contract? Employee is no longer doing her job effectively. We would like to terminate her at the end of the school year.
04/06/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Maryland | #2710Am I entitled to be paid for my vacation time even if I quit my job?
If I quit my job with one week of vacation time, am I entitled to be paid for that time?
04/04/2007 | Category: Employment | State: New York | #2597