Employment Legal Questions and Answers
Where can I get an application for a workers compensation waiver?
Where can I get an application for a workers compensation waiver? It has to do with construction projects.
04/03/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Arkansas | #2528Is there a wieght limit to what women are required to lift at work?
Is there a wieght limit to what women are required to lift? I thought women was to lift a max of 40 lbs. and men was 70lbs. before getting help. My wifes employers docter wants my wife to lift 75lbs before she can return to work after having a hysterectomy.
04/01/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Missouri | #2454Can a Goverment contracted employer legally make the employees invest their Healthcare allowance?
Does a Goverment contracted employer have a legal right to make the employees invest their Health and Welfare allowance, that's given to them by the federal government in a 401k plan, profit sharing plan or a IRA? This Health and Welfare is given to the employees to use as they choose correct?
03/28/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #2300Is an employer allowed to terminate you due to a background investigation without disclosing why?
Is an employer allowed to terminate you due to a background investigation without disclosing the issues that were revealed?
03/28/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Pennsylvania | #2259Can my employer require me to take part in an exit interview?
I submitted my resignation 3 months ago. That date is here tomorrow. I have been told I have to take part in an exit interview. Are they mandatory? Can they withhold my pay if I refuse? What's the impact if I do refuse?
03/27/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Florida | #2226Can employer charge employee for the training employee received before leaving company?
Does an employer have the right to charge an employee for the training the employee received if he or she leaves their position with the company?
01/31/2007 | Category: Employment | State: New York | #1403Is it a law in North Carolina for employers to give cost of living raises to their employees?
Is it a law in the state of North Carolina for employers to give cost of living raises to their employees?
01/31/2007 | Category: Employment | State: North Carolina | #1344What can I do if my employer has not paid me in three months?
I worked in childcare for three months and have not gotten paid as of 1-31-07. What should I do?
01/31/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Louisiana | #1236If an employee works less than two weeks at new job do we still have to pay vacation time?
If a employee gets new time off benefits staring January 1, and she only works January 2 and then sends a letter on January 15 that she quits, do we still have to ay her vacation benefits for the new year?
01/31/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Illinois | #992Where can I find information about overtime pay for salaried employees?
Where can I find information about overtime pay for salaried employees?
01/31/2007 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #957