Paternity » Parental Rights Legal Questions and Answers
What type of action can I file to ensure my daughter's father can never take her?
How do I file papers to keep my daughter who has been with me all her life? Her father and I were never married. He left when she was a baby. Now she is 11 and I don't want to lose her.
02/08/2007 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: Kansas | #500Do I have to establish paternity on my deceased daughter to settle her estate?
My daughter died unexpectedly without a will. A man is claiming to be her father and is trying to get me to settle quickly by giving him one-half of her estate. He has no proof that he is my daughter's father. Do I have to settle in this manner with him?
02/07/2007 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: Arizona | #449How do I obtain information on why someone terminated their parental rights?
I need documentation as to why parental rights were terminated.
01/12/2007 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: Colorado | #368How do I give up my parental rights?
How do I give up my parental rights? What forms do I need to fill out?
01/10/2007 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: California | #307