Wills and Estates » Probate Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Avoid Probate in Texas?
Is there any way to avoid probate?
05/10/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #22057How are assets distributed after death and executrix is appointed in Texas?
Husband died 1998 leaving wife, 3 children, 8 grand childreen (two are minors) Homestead and liquid cash more than $500,000.00. No probate but wife of deceased became identified as 'EXECUTRICT' of the estate of her deceased husband. Execcuted land deeds.Question:How would assets be divided?
05/07/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #22036What Forms Do I Need to Probate My Mother's Estate in Texas?
The form number to turn in to the county Probate court
05/04/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #21998When is an Estate in Texas Required to be Probated?
My mother and father were still married when he passed away. They are NM residents. Does my father's share of their estate have to go through probate? Or, dies my mother receive my father's share of their estate as surviving joint tenant and consistent with my father's will?
04/17/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #21830Can I Contest the Handling of My Deceased Father's Estate After Ten Years?
My father passed away almost 10 years ago - no will. Step-mother has been 'in charge' of home, financials all this time. They were together 15 years but only married 9 months prior to his death. Step-mother says father had an 'irrevocable trust' that she has 'access to', and she has a 'revocable trust'. She also has children from a first marriage. Her daughter is to be exe...
04/02/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Virginia | #21644Are There Advantages to Probating an Estate if it's Not Required?
My father passed away in late January survived by his wife of 60 years. He had a simple will but all assets (house, CDs, mutual funds...) wwere in joint tenure with his wife. Are we required to probate the will in the state of Texas? If not, are there advantages if we probate the will?
03/24/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #21530How Do I Sell the House of My Deceased Mother in Indiana?
Our Mother just passed away and left her house to the kids. Its free and clear and we have a buyer who want to pay cash for it. Everyone agrees on her will ,so what kind of probate do we have to go through to sell this if any in the state of Indiana?
03/19/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Michigan | #21464In California, do I have to probate property transferred out of trust by deceased husband?
My husband and I have a living trust. He took out one of the properties that he was planning to get a loan on. He passed away before he got the loan and thus,the property was not in the trust. Can I avoid Probate? Is there a form that I need to file? The will & trust stated all assets went to me.
03/18/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #21449How Do I Force an Executor to Probate a Will in New York?
My mother died in NYC almost 1 year ago, and my sister who also lives in NY has taken over all her property. She had the shares in my mother's coop transferred to her before my mother died to 'protect' her estate. We have been led to believer that as long as my mother remained in the property, and her will indicated how her property was to be divided that it is still our inhe...
03/08/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Massachusetts | #21295How Can I Get Back Money For Burial Expenses if the Heirs Won't File to Probate the Estate?
i would llike to replace a lien on the property of a deceased family member estate. His immediate familly (estrange children) refuses to probate his estate or become involve with his estate. My lien is for the money I used to ensure a proper burial was given I live in Georgia and the decease property is in Maryland.Need to do lien before property goes into foreclosure. Due to...
02/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Georgia | #21066