Wills and Estates » Probate Legal Questions and Answers
Is a VBank Account With a Named Beneficiary Part of the Rsiduary Estate?
My mother passed away and left her residuary estate to be divided between siblings. On my Mother's IRA/Brokerage Account my sister was listed as the beneficiary. Since my sister was listed as the only beneficiary on this account does this mean that the proceeds are not part of the residuary estate and therefore to my sister exclusively?Thank you
07/02/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Michigan | #25131How Do We Sell a Home We Inherited From a Parent?
My daughter and I recently inherited a house we don't want from my mother and have an offer on it. What do we need to do to make the transaction legal with the title company?
06/27/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Oregon | #25106Is a Note Valid to Give Ownership of a Deceased's Vehicle if There is No Will?
My father signed a note and had it notarized giving me his car and boats before he died. Is this legal? Can I go and request new titles in my name so I can sell them?
06/25/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Florida | #25097How Can I Find Out if I Was Left Something in a Will?
how can I find out if I was left something in a will as promised by the deceased, with the relationship being as employee to deceased. The lady my wife was working for promised she would leave her something when she died. The lady died in January of 2010. Her son is the type of person who will do what he wants and not follow the letter of the law
06/18/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: New Mexico | #25055How Can I Make Sure the House I Own With My Spouse Goes to My Son When I Die?
I have been remarried for ten years and had already purchased my home at the time of my marriage to my husband.The home was then paid off in 2010 and my husbands name was added to the deed at payoff,my home was purchased in 1997,and he never made a payment on it at any time.Now to today, i have a disabled son in which it has always been understood will inherit the home upon my ...
06/07/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #24987Does an Executor or Child Have to Pay Credit Card Debt Not Covered by the Estate?
My mother made me Personal Representative in her will and left her assets equally to me and my 2 brothers. Mortgage company says I need to probate will to sell her house and I need Letters Testamentary to name me administrator. My mother has $13000 in credit card debt, which hopefully the house sale will cover. Will I be personally liable to pay off these debts as Executor/Admi...
06/01/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Alabama | #24944Can a Long-Time Resident Override the Terms of a Trust?
i am one of 5 beneficiary to my moms trust. she left a provision giveing me rights to live in one of her home for rest of my life. home occupied by sisters son and shes foghting me in court to keep him there. what are my chances of getting it. court hearing on july 19th, 2011
05/30/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Hawaii | #24931Can Grandparents Inherit Property of a Grandchild?
Our granddaughter came to us at the request of her adoptive parents, after losing a baby,in 2001. After 3 1/2 weeks, she committed suicide.Medicine, forms and many sad and depressed poems were found by the invesigators. We were unaware of any of this. We feel strongly that the poetry could be a fantastic preventative for other teens undergoing the same challenges. The adoptive...
05/29/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Nevada | #24925Can A Divorce Order Force a Parent to Create a Will Leaving Property to a Child?
i am married and we set up a will but in his previous devorce setelment its stated that is house on a family farm must go to his son with his ex my son is 3 and we are living in that house the familly has a constetion wich states that your youngest son inherit and its sticktly family farm so if u divorce i dont have right because it a family community so is my son the one getti...
05/25/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Arkansas | #24896What Does an Augmented Estate Include in West Virginia?
When a husband of 53 years dies, does the augmented estate include any monetary assets that are listed under the wife's name only?
05/13/2011 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: West Virginia | #24830