Divorce » Child Support Legal Questions and Answers
I live in Illinois. Is it possible for me to stop paying child support all together, i.e., current as well as back child sup...
I live in Illinois. Is it possible for me to stop paying child support all together, i.e., current as well as back child support? If so, what do I need to do?
05/18/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #5217What is child support based on?
I would like to know how much child support one would recieve, based on minimum wage, for the years 1973-1994?
05/18/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New York | #5145What is the law on child support while the child attend's college?
What is the law on child support while the child attends college?
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #5116When does child support end in the state of Indiana?
My daughter's mother and I went through a paternity suit a few years back. Child support was set, but my daughter does not carry my name. When does child support end in the state of Indiana? My child turned 18 last August and graduates from high school next month. Her mother believes that I am obligated to pay support to age 21, is that correct? My daughter has a job, has not c...
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Indiana | #5094How do I help my son get out of jail for non-payment of child support?
My granddaughter is 10 and I just found out she is living with her mothers sister for 2 years in Texas. My son has paid child support (although he is behind ) and has not been allowed to see her very often, sometimes it was 4 years at a time. The mother moved around and changed her number quite often. My son was picked up because he was behind on support and is in jail for 2 m...
05/14/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Arkansas | #4755Am I entitled to only 25% of my ex husbands pay for child support?
I have a friend that is going through a non-contested divorce. They have two children and has been told that the legal amount of child support that he has to pay is 25% of his gross income. She would like to know if this is still the law. Also, if he receives any pay increases, is she intitled to 25% of the pay increases or just the amount that he is making when the divorce ...
05/14/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #4713Can I sue for back support even if my daughter is 23 years old now?
My ex was a very controlling person so when we divorced he made the divorce rules as to get the divorce over with as soon as possible so he could be with his woman and her 2 kids. In doing so, he set a figure to child support $1,600.00 so we could live comfortably. He kept his business free and clear with building included, promised medical insurance, etc. until daughter was ag...
05/13/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Pennsylvania | #4598Why has my daughter's child support through the state been frozen while her father is incarcerated?
My daughter has tried to get support from the father of her child who has been incarcerated since 8/7/06 for stalking a minor, attempting to lure a minor child into a vehicle, criminal attempt, and parole violation. He has a history of this. He wants to be relieved of his financial obligation. The court has frozen her support and I feel that is unjust to my daughter and grandda...
05/13/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Pennsylvania | #4594Am I still required to pay child support for the time that I have my children?
I was divorced in March 2007 in Alabama. I currently get my sons one on Wednesday night, one on Thursday night, both on Friday and Saturday until 6 PM. I give my ex-wife $500 a month child support. I want both of my sons from noon Wednesday until 6 PM Saturday which would give me half of their time. Am I still required to pay child support if they spend half their time with me?
05/12/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Alabama | #4558What is the legal percentage that can be deducted from my husbands check for child support?
Me and my husband live in OK but he is paying child support for 2 different cases in AZ. One of the cases is for back child support for 2 children who are both over the age of 18 and not enrolled in any type of school. The other case is for current and back child support for a child who IS under the age of 18. They are taking 1/2 of my husband's take home pay every week which d...
05/12/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Oklahoma | #4557