I received a summons yesterday regarding a credit card with an unpaid balance of approximately $3300.00. Currently I do not h...
Full Question:
A complaint is a general statement of the plaintiff’s claim. The complaint describes the actions that led to a claim for money damages. Service of process involves attaching a copy of the complaint to a summons which is served on the defendant. The summons generally explains to the defendant that he is being sued; the name of the court in which he is being sued; when the defendant must file an answer; and the fact that a default judgment will be entered if no answer is filed. A default judgment for failure to answer is a judgment just like there had been a trial.
You may negotiate with the attorney for the plaintiff. However, you need to file some sort of response to the complaint. You might consider filing a Motion such as the following form on the USLF Website:US-00832BG Simple Motion Requesting Additional Time to Respond to a Civil Complaint
If you cannot afford an attorney at this time please go to the following website: