Elderly Legal Questions and Answers
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Can I Sue a Social Worker for Not Getting Me Aid and Causing Me Debt?
I am a homebound client of Metropolitan Jewish Long-Term Home Health Care Program since October 2008. Providing me with services of a Nurse, home health aid,therapists,social workers and Transportation to medical facilities. The agency has for the most part gone above and beyond and everyone is extremely kind. With the Exception of miscommunication and incident occurring shortl...
03/03/2011 | Category: Elderly | State: New York | #24333Can they take the house or only one third its value if Father goes into long term care?
Currently my fathers name is the only name on the mortgage {the house is not payed off yet}. If me and my brother get our names added to the mortgage, and sometime down the road our father goes into long-term care and needs money to pay medical bills, can they take the house or only one third its value?
08/15/2007 | Category: Elderly | State: Pennsylvania | #7954Does the state of Florida have the right to send an elderly person to a nursing home?
Does the state of Florida have the right to send an elderly person that they see neglecting themselves to a state nursing home and deplete that persons estate? Can family members be held accountable for the neglect the elderly person is bringing upon themselves?
05/19/2007 | Category: Elderly | State: Florida | #5288
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