Legal Questions and Answers
How do I change my name back to the one on my birth certificate?
The last name that I have been using since birth in school and everywhere else is the last name of my biological father. However recently found out that on my birth certificate it lists my last name as my mother's maiden name and no father. How do I change it as an adult because, I need to for college financing. Also since I do not use my mother's maiden name for anything, i...
04/20/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: New Jersey | #3223If I am found to be the father of a child I did not know about, am I liable for back child support?
If I am proven to be a father of a 3 year old that I just found out about. Do I have to pay 3 years back child support? The girl is and was married when she claims the child was concieved and put her husband on the birth certificate as the father.
04/20/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: New York | #3222Can A 15 Year Old Decide Where He Wants to Live?
A child wants to leave his aunts house and move back with his mother. They have custody of him. Can he tell them he is leaving if he is 15 years old?
04/19/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Maryland | #3217Is a 15 year old able to choose who he wants to live with?
A child wants to leave his aunt's house and move back in with his mother. The aunt has custody of him. Can he tell the aunt that he is moving back to his mothers? He is only 15 year old.
04/19/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Maryland | #3216Is it legal for an employer to force me to work 12 hour days 7 days a week?
Is it legal for an employer to force me to work 12 hour days 7 days a week? I am concerned about the safety issues with working this many hours as well as my physical well being.
04/19/2007 | Category: Employment » Hours | State: Michigan | #3214Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit?
Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit? The malpractice happened in Texas and I now live in Florida. Where would I need to get a lawyer?
04/19/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: ALL | #3209What is the legal definition of blackmail?
Someone owes me $500.00. In the past this person admitted to me that she stole valuables from her ex-husband. Is it blackmail if I threaten to tell her ex-husband if she doesn't pay me? Is this illegal?
04/19/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: California | #3208Does a adult have to be present durning the questioning of a minor?
Does a adult have to be present durning the questioning of a minor?
04/19/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #3206If my business sells prepackaged food and someone becomes ill can I be held liable?
I run a small business at home and am in the process of forming an LLC. We resell prepackaged food items, distributed by a national foodservice company. We do not handle the food in any way. If someone were to become ill on items purchased from me, could I be held liable, even though we did not handle the food?
04/19/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Texas | #3205How can I make someone move out of my apartment if they are not on the lease?
A friend moved into his first apartment and signed a year lease. He allowed a girl to stay for awhile and he came home from work and she had moved all her belongings in. She refuses to leave and is taking over the apartment and refuses to get on the lease,see the manager,pay any money,and has very bad credit. In his lease agreement it does state that you must get written consen...
04/19/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #3204