Legal Questions and Answers
Will the credit card company sue for a lien on husband's property for wife's debt's?
My wife has racked up quite the credit card bill on herself in Wyoming. She has depleted her financial resources over the years because of her lavish lifestyle. Will the credit card company sue for a lien on my property for her debts?
12/29/2016 | Category: Marriage » Marital Prop... | State: Wyoming | #29051The court ordered child support for my daughter till she turns 18. she is 16 and has got married.
My 16-year-old daughter married her boyfriend with the consent from her mother who has her custody. I was paying a monthly child support of $130 per week which was ordered by the court at the time of my divorce. I was to continue such payment till my daughter reached the age of 18. Am I supposed to continue to pay child support in Wyoming in the given situation?
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Wyoming | #29050How can a 17 year old enter into a contract? what is the law on the same?
I am a software developer and am part of a lot of free-source development projects online. A few of my peers and I are planning to take the developing of software to the next level and collaborate with established tech companies. I earn and sustain myself and have already moved on of the house. Because I am only 17 years old, I cannot sign contracts on my own. How can I overcom...
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors | State: Wyoming | #29049My ex-husband who remarried died without a Will. We had a son together. Does our Son receive anything?
My ex-husband and father to my son died recently. Although he had remarried after our divorce, he never had children in his marriage. Word out in the family is that he has not left a will behind. Is my son entitled to get a share in his deceased father’s estate?
12/29/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Wyoming | #29048My son and his wife died in car crash and had no Children or Will. Who receives their property?
My son and his wife died in car crash. Both them were residents of Casper, Wyoming. My son was working as a paralegal and his wife was an investment banker and they owned substantial assets individually. They never left a will behind. How will their property be divided per the law in Wyoming?
12/29/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Wyoming | #29047My Husband died with no Will. We own property together and separate. Who receives if we have Children?
My husband and I were married for over 20 years. He passed away recently. We own a house in joint tenancy in Wyoming. My husband named me the beneficiary of his retirement account. He also owned $300,000 worth of other property in Wyoming. We have three children from our marriage. How will the property be divided in Wyoming if he hasn’t left a will behind?
12/29/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Wyoming | #29046Can a landlord increase the rent because the tenant complains of making repairs in the rental premises?
I am living in a rented apartment in the state of Ohio. My landlord has increased my rent because I complained about not making the repairs to the rental premises that were promised by him. These repairs are reasonably necessary to keep the premises in a habitable condition. What action can I take against my landlord?
12/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Ohio | #29045Can a landlord evict the tenant for joining with the other tenants?
I have rented a four-story building to four tenants. My new tenant along with the other tenants has been asking me to amend few terms in the rental agreement. These terms relate to the amount of rent and maintenance of property. I want to evict my tenant for joining with the other tenants and trying to negotiate the terms of the rental agreement. Can I bring an action against t...
12/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Ohio | #29043What is the provision under which the teacher may be punished for having sex with a student?
My friend’s teacher forced my friend to have sex with him. My friend is 13 years old and studying in a boarding school in Ohio. What is the provision under which the teacher may be punished for committing such an offense?
12/29/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Ohio | #29042Can a person be punished for rape if there has not been full penetration?
I am a 15-year-old girl. Last night, my dad’s friend tried to have sex with me; however, my mother came into the room timely and saved me. There was only a slight penetration. Is my dad’s friend still punishable under the law prevailing in Ohio?
12/29/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Ohio | #29040