Legal Questions and Answers
My landlord refuses to clean the common garbage dumping area?
My landlord refuses to clean the common garbage dumping canisters from our apartment which is now overflowing with garbage and causing quite the nuisances for all of us. He says it’s our duty to clean up our own mess. Is this true per the tenancy laws in Wyoming?
12/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Wyoming | #29146When i notified my landlord about the leaky roof in the rental house, he sent me notice to vacate.
My rental apartment has a leaky roof that dampens the air in the rooms and makes it difficult to live. When I approached my landlord to fix the problem, he sent me a notice to terminate and vacate the unit. In Wyoming, can I sue him for the mental anguish caused?
12/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Wyoming | #29145My 16-year-old daughter had sexual intercourse with her boyfriend, will the boyfriend be charged with statutory rape?
I caught my 16-year-old daughter engaged in sexual intercourse with her college boyfriend. If reported, will he be charged with statutory rape?
12/30/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Wyoming | #29143My 14 year old boy was sexually abused by his stepdad.
I am the mother of a 14-year-old boy. I recently got married to a man that I thought I knew. He had started to complain about his bottoms hurt and the nurse’s examination showed that he was being sexually abused. On further inquiry my son told me that stepdad did things to him. I have already filed for a divorce. Can I also sue him for sexual assault of a minor? What is the pun...
12/30/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Wyoming | #29141My husband is a drug and alcohol addict. Under what ground can I file a divorce?
I live with my husband in North Carolina. My husband is a drug and alcohol addict. He has made my life miserable and burdensome because of which I do not want to live with him anymore. Under what ground can I file a divorce?
12/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Grounds | State: North Carolina | #29140Can the ward and guardian relationship be revoked?
I am a 15-year-old living in North Carolina with my guardian. Lately, my guardian has been ill-treating me by inflicting physical and mental injury. I do not want to live with him anymore. Can the ward and guardian relationship be revoked?
12/30/2016 | Category: Guardianship | State: North Carolina | #29139Can a landlord deduct the amount spent on removing the tenant’s discarded furniture from the security deposit?
My tenant while vacating the rental property has left behind some furniture. It seems that the tenant has discarded the furniture. I wish to rent out the property again, so I need to remove the tenant’s discarded furniture from the rental property. I am yet to refund the tenant’s security deposit. Can I deduct the amount spent on removing the tenant’s discarded furniture from t...
12/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Return Perso... | State: Vermont | #29138We do not want to file for a divorce but we would like to file a separation agreement. Will that be considered valid?
My husband and I live in North Carolina. As we do not get along well, we have decided to live separately. However, we do not want to file for a divorce but we would like to file a separation agreement. Will that be considered valid?
12/30/2016 | Category: Divorce » Separation A... | State: North Carolina | #29137What deductions can Landlord make from the amount of security deposit in Vermont?
The tenant has vacated my rental property in Vermont last week. I am required to return the security deposit to my tenant. Under the law prevailing in Vermont, what are the deductions that a landlord can make from the amount of security deposit?
12/30/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Vermont | #29135Is my Will as to my Wife revoked in North Carolina after a divorce?
I live in North Carolina. I made a will few years back stating, after my death, my separate property will be owned and controlled by my wife. But I am getting divorced next month. Will the will be revoked once I am divorced?
12/30/2016 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: North Carolina | #29130