Legal Questions and Answers
The landlord did not refund the security deposit. What remedy do I have?
I moved out of my rental unit in New Jersey eight months back. The security deposit that I paid as per the rent agreement has not yet been returned to me. What remedy do I have under the New Jersey tenancy law?
12/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: New Jersey | #29122Is the tenant entitled to receive this interest on a security deposit in New jersey?
I am residing in New Jersey as a tenant. I received a written notice from my landlord that the security deposit paid by me was deposited in a savings bank account and is earning an interest of 7 percent per annum. Am I entitled to receive this interest?
12/29/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New Jersey | #29121Will the marriage be valid if it has been solemnized by an authorized person?
I am a resident of Washington. I got married to an Indian last year. We were married in the presence of a priest, who claimed to be authorized under law to solemnize the marriage. Now he turned to be an unauthorized. Is there any issue regarding the validity of our marriage?
12/29/2016 | Category: Marriage | State: Washington | #29116My wife doesn't allow me to visit my child even though the court granted me visitation rights. What can I do?
I live in Alaska. The court awarded the custody of my 5-year-old child to my wife and gave visitation rights to me. I want to know what I can do if my wife did not allow me to see the child?
12/29/2016 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Alaska | #29115Is a wife liable to pay the premarital debts of her husband?
I am living with my husband in Alaska. We got married two months back. My husband incurred several debts before our marriage. Now his creditors are asking me to clear his debts. Am I liable to pay the premarital debts of my husband?
12/29/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Duty to Supp... | State: Alaska | #29113Do the courts in North Carolina grant an order of emancipation for the purpose of getting married?
My girlfriend and I have decided to get married by this fall. We both are residents of North Carolina. We both are 17 years old. I am working as a sales representative of a local company. We are considering to petition for emancipation. Will the court grant an order of emancipation for the purpose of getting married?
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: North Carolina | #29112What is the criteria for filing a petition for emancipation and for the court awarding a decree for emancipation?
I am an 18-year-old girl and I live in North Carolina with my mother. Last year my father had passed away. My mother considered moving from North Carolina for a better job. I do not want to move to another place and wish to obtain emancipation. What are the requirements or criteria for filing a petition for emancipation and for the court awarding a decree for emancipation?
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: North Carolina | #29111Can a 17-year-old student enter the contracts on behalf of his company before attaining the age of majority?
I’m a 17-year-old student and I live in North Carolina. I am seriously considering about filing a petition for emancipation. I and my friends have decided to step into a business project in collaboration with a multinational firm. None of us has attained the age of majority, yet we think this is the best time to venture into this project. If I’m successfully emancipated, will I...
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: North Carolina | #29110Can a 17-year-old student file for emancipation in North Carolina?
I am a 17-year-old student and I live in North Carolina. I work part-time and consider leaving my parental house to live independently. I wish to file a petition for emancipation. Can a minor file for emancipation?
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: North Carolina | #29109How do the courts decide upon the child support amount in Wyoming?
My husband and I are getting a divorce. We are residents of Wyoming. We have two kids from our marriage. How do the courts decide upon the child support amount in Wyoming?
12/29/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Wyoming | #29052