Legal Questions and Answers
If I Rent Can I Still Get Per Diem Rates?
Concerning Per Diem Law, when going out of state do you have to own your home to get per diem or can you be a renter and give up your apartment and go and still get per diem?
08/07/2009 | Category: Employment » Benefits | State: Kansas | #17994I Need a Release Form For An Auto Accident
I was backing my, 87 year old, fathers car out of his driveway and bumped the neighbors truck. I received the estimate and have decided to pay for it and not contact his insurance. I don't want his rates to go up. I am looking for a form that basically says that, I have paid for the damage and am released from any further cost for fixing the truck. I don't want the party coming...
08/07/2009 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Oklahoma | #17993Do promissory notes have to be witnessed and notarized in New Mexico?
Do promissory notes have to be witnessed and notarized in New Mexico?
08/07/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Texas | #17991Oregon resident asks if land in another state can be devised in simple will.
I need to make a will and I own 1/3 of a 1/2 of a farm in IL. Can this be included in a simple will or is it more complicated needing an attorney.
08/07/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Oregon | #17990Wife had stroke, Husband seeks legal authority to manage finances
My wife recently had a stroke, it has left her incapcited I need to know how to get power of attorney for myself and a daughter
08/07/2009 | Category: Conservatorship | State: Texas | #17986Military wife seeks separation and custody of child
I am a resident of Iowa but married to military personal and live in Florida. I had a child in Florida but paid taxes last year to Iowa and his place of residence. I want a legal separation and take my child out of the state of Florida and move home without having my husband say I have kidnapped my child. What do I need to do to leave with my child and file separation?
08/07/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Iowa | #17985Health insurance by state
What is the part of the Interstate Commerce law that applies to prohibiting the sale of HEALTH insurance across state lines?
08/07/2009 | Category: Insurance | State: Connecticut | #17983Civil collection action, non-appearing defendant
Here are my situation, Recently I received court order for credit card I owed from capital one .The credit card amount was $2,867.00 for this reason, I suppose to be appear in the court on June 17/2009,but I was away from the city for a a month, now my fear is if I present my self in the court , the court might be put me in the prison for not showing my self on court appearance...
08/06/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Massachusetts | #17978Georgia photographer inquires about copyright protection
I'm a photographer,and need a legal form that states whatever photos I take of someone, will never be sold, or posted anywhere by any media.
08/06/2009 | Category: Copyrights | State: Georgia | #17977Guardianship of adult autistic son
I live in Nebraska, I have a 19 year old son diagnosed since age 2 with severe autism/ocd. I recently went through a divorce, husband left after 24 years and is now Fighting my petition for Guardianship of my adult son (who lives, has been with me since day he was born) saying he is 'not autistic' although lawyer agrees, it will be easy to prove via dr. records/school records t...
08/06/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Nebraska | #17976