Legal Questions and Answers
Can an alleged father file to have his child return to him when there is evidence of neglect?
Can an alleged father file to have his child return to him when there is evidence of neglect? This young man is 9 years old and my daughter is incarcerated in Arizona. The alleged father is not on the birth certificate, he has filed Forpre-Decree, temporay order without notice for child custody. I have a notorized letter form my daughter giving me temporary custody.
04/14/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: California | #16009What form do I need to subpoena taped phone conversations from a mortgage servicer?
What for do I need to subpoena taped phone conversations from a mortgage servicer?
04/14/2009 | Category: Discovery | State: California | #16008What should I do with old stock certificates that were given to me by a friend who has passed?
What should I do with old stock certificates that were given to me by a friend who has passed?
04/14/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #16007How would we legally change the name of our church?
We are changing the name of our church. We were told that the best thing to do is just keep the original name and function with the new name under a DBA. What would you advise?
04/14/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: Florida | #16006Where can I find a form to use in giving a gift of $12,000 to family member?
I need a form to use in giving a gift of $12,000 to family member that must be used to partially pay off a loan made to that person previously?
04/14/2009 | Category: Gifts | State: Missouri | #16005Would reading a book to someone for pay violate copyright laws?
I'm interested in starting my own business. I want to read to people for pay, i.e., books. As an example visiting senior citizen homes to read to a person one-on-one, or to a group a novel maybe and I would charge by the hour. However, would reading a book to someone for pay violate copyright laws?
04/14/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: Ohio | #16004What is the law regarding publishing a deceased person's memoirs and the royalties included?
I am a freelance writer trying to help the sister of a deceased person get that person's memoirs published. This will not be a commercial transaction, although some royalties may accrue if the memoir is published. The deceased person left her estate in trust to twelve heirs, so we assume the intellectual property rights in the memoirs also belong to those heirs. Eleven of th...
04/14/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: North Carolina | #16003Renewing Service Mark in California
I had a service mark with the State of California, but it expired in 2001. Is it possible to renew a service mark in California that has expired and what would be the fee?
04/14/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: California | #16002What are the legal requirements for my web based LLC to give scholarships to students?
If I set up an LLC for my website and decide to give out scholarships to students, what are the legal requirements?
04/14/2009 | Category: Schools » Scholarships | State: Arizona | #16001Even though I am married can I change my maiden name to its original spelling?
My sister and I have found out that we come from a Jewish background. Our maiden name had been shortened from the original. Although we are both married and have our husbands names we would like to change our maiden name back to the original. Is this possible ? Our parents are both deceased.
04/14/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: ALL | #16000