Legal Questions and Answers
Does a subpoena have to be served in person or a signature required?
Does a subpoena have to be served in person or a signature required?
04/08/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Massachusetts | #2784Will I be able to obtain a passport if I am a convicted felon?
I am a convicted felon living in the state of Florida. I was convicted of aggravated assault with a fire arm with no intention. My question to you is can I or will I ever be able to obtain a passport for vacations?
04/08/2007 | Category: Travel | State: Florida | #2783What are the requirements to collect alimony when divorcing my husband?
My Husband left me 5 yrs ago, and moved to NYC to live with his mother, and work as a school teacher. We've been married now 20 yrs as to date. Have 2 son's 19 and 18 yrs. I lost my job 2 yrs ago with Nordstorms of 18 yrs because I had a nervous breakdown at work, and was fired. Mentally doing bad. I would like to file for divorce and get alimony for my stuffering with him. Can...
04/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Texas | #2782What are the requirements to become emancipated?
How to I find a form for filling out to be emancipated?
04/08/2007 | Category: Minors | State: South Dakota | #2779Is there such thing as a promise to pay for chid support?
I need more info of a promise to pay form for child support order.
04/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Virginia | #2777Can I sue someone who is responsible for having me terminated from my job?
I would like to know if I can sue someone who has made threats against me, in-reference being responsible for termination of my job.
04/08/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: New York | #2775How do I get guardianship of my younger brother?
I have a brother who is 14 and lives in NC. My parents are living in very poor conditions and my brother wants to live with me in WA. My parents are reluctant to let him leave. How can I get guardianship for him?
04/08/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Washington | #2773What are the requirements to become emanciapted?
Is it possible to become emancipated at the age of 14 in NC?
04/08/2007 | Category: Minors | State: North Carolina | #2772Do I need a passport to take a cruise leaving from a port in Florida to the Bahamas?
Do I need a passport to take a cruise leaving from a port in Florida to the Bahamas, eastern caribbean and or Mexico? or is my birth certificate sufficient? Also, when I get to one of these ports of calls, can I use my birthcertificate to enter and leave the port to return back to the ship?
04/08/2007 | Category: Travel | State: Florida | #2771How can I enforce an order for support from my divorce?
My husband and I had business together an he abandoned me taking all our cash and assets in June 2002. It has taking me this long to get alimony and now he's trying to get it thrown out of court because he has been living in Daytona Beach, FL. He says he has nothing. I have not received any kind of settlement or susport, yet. How do I keep the enforced order the judge gave me ...
04/08/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Delaware | #2770