Legal Questions and Answers
What documents are needed to set-up a not for profit company from an existing LLC?
What documents are needed to set-up a not for profit company from an existing LLC?
03/29/2007 | Category: Corporations » NonProfit Co... | State: Missouri | #2307What form is needed for me to file a claim on my ex husband's trust estate?
What form is needed for me to file a claim on my ex husband's trust estate? I have court ordered papers showing arrearage and past due amounts owed.
03/29/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #2306Can an ex-spouse change the name of a minor without the other spouse's permission?
Can an ex-spouse change the name of a minor without the other spouse's permission?
03/29/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Arkansas | #2305If a landlord buys a unit, who is responsible for the tenants deposit?
If a landlord buys a unit, who is responsible for the tenants deposit? Is it the current landlord or the previos landlord. and what if the current says he did not receive the deposit?
03/29/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Missouri | #2304How do I change custody of my grandson to his sister?
How do I change custody of my grandson to his sister?
03/29/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Florida | #2303Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice?
Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice? Can a tort claim of wrongful death prevail by libel,deceit, neglect and other tortious claims? Can the Doe in a first claim be used without the person being named or by them just being mentioned in the Complaint?
03/29/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: California | #2302Can a Goverment contracted employer legally make the employees invest their Healthcare allowance?
Does a Goverment contracted employer have a legal right to make the employees invest their Health and Welfare allowance, that's given to them by the federal government in a 401k plan, profit sharing plan or a IRA? This Health and Welfare is given to the employees to use as they choose correct?
03/28/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #2300Am I entitled to my property in my vehicle that was towed if I have a release authorization form?
I had my vehicle towed from the highway patrol. My car was impounded for 30 days. The truck went up for a lien. We had a property release authorization from the highway patrol, but the tow yard denied me my work tools and my tool box that were in the back of my truck. Is that legal,and what are my rights
03/28/2007 | Category: Automobiles | State: California | #2299Is it legal for my landlord to have a video camera watching my driveway and porch?
My landlord has two video camera's at our home. One is of our driveway and the other is of my front porch. Is that legal?
03/28/2007 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: Washington | #2298Am I entitled to my possessions at a storage facility that is behind in rent?
I have a friend that is renting a storage but is late on payments. Not sure of what she owes but its alot. I have some belongings in there, but the owner will not let me remove them. He is now claiming he is going to throw our things in the dump. Can he legally do this?
03/28/2007 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Abandoned Pr... | State: Wisconsin | #2296