Legal Questions and Answers
Can my landlord prohibit my sister from staying with us?
Myself and my husband have been living in a two bedroom rented apartment for the past four months, we signed the lease for period of one year. Recently my sister got a job in the city and wants to move in with us for a month. But my landlord is refusing to let her stay, saying that there was a clause in the lease agreement which prohibited outsiders from staying in the apartm...
01/12/2017 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Landlord Ten... | State: New York | #29971Does the law require me to pay the whole rent if I break the lease due to inhabitable condition?
I am living in a rented apartment in downtown New York. It is an old apartment built in 1950s. Due to the recent earthquake huge cracks have opened up on the walls and ceilings and floorboards have broken away in many places. I want to move out of the place but my landlord is insisting on me paying the rent for the rest of the lease period. Does the law require me to pay the wh...
01/12/2017 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Landlord Ten... | State: New York | #29970Can I terminate lease agreement if my landlord has not yet completed the repairs?
I entered into a lease agreement for an apartment in Brooklyn, New York. According to the lease agreement the landlord was to hand over possession of the apartment to me by the first of this month. However, it is already 15th, and he has not yet completed the repairs that he has promised to do and is asking time till the beginning of next month to complete repairs and hand ove...
01/11/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: New York | #29917Is a lease agreement in which a tenant waives rights valid?
I moved into an apartment in White Plains, New York about two months back. In the lease agreement signed by me, there was a provision stating that the landlord had undertaken all repairs necessary to make the apartment fit for living and the tenant is completely responsible for the maintenance of the house from the date of handing over of possession till the expiry of the leas...
01/11/2017 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Landlord Ten... | State: New York | #29916Can a person who files an acknowledgement of paternity rescind the acknowledgement in New York?
I instituted paternity proceedings against my boyfriend two months back. Last week he filed an acknowledgement of paternity in the court. Now he has changed his mind and says he will not provide support for the child and is going to consult a lawyer to find out how-to get rid of his responsibility. Can he escape from his duty at this stage in the paternity proceedings?
01/11/2017 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: New York | #29915How can a 17-year-old girl get authorization of her marriage if her father deserted her and her mother is mentally sick?
I am a 17-year-old girl residing in Massachusetts. I am in love with a man and would like to get married to him. My father has deserted my family and my mother is mentally sick. What is the remedy available for me in getting authorization of my marriage?
01/11/2017 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Massachusetts | #29914What is the legal remedy available for a person in Massachusetts to conduct tests to prove paternity?
My wife and I reside in Massachusetts. My wife delivered a third child last month. I was on a military duty for the past 11 months and was away from home. I am apprehensive of the paternity of the child and would like to conduct tests to prove paternity. What is the remedy available in Massachusetts in this regard?
01/11/2017 | Category: Paternity » DNA Test | State: Massachusetts | #29913Is a child, who is neglected by his drug addicted parents, eligible for any state assistance?
My cousin gave birth to a boy last year. Both she and the father are addicted to drugs and are not able to stick to one job. They are not taking care of the child properly and the kid is already suffering from malnourishment and developmental disorders. Is the child eligible for any state assistance?
01/11/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: New York | #29912How can I modify the child support agreement of my 5-year-old daughter?
I live in Massachusetts. I have a 5-year-old daughter. The child support amount awarded according to the guidelines is not sufficient to meet the expenses. So, I want to request changes in the present child support award. Is there any remedy available for me in this regard?
01/11/2017 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Massachusetts | #29911Is a parent liable for the acts of his 13-year-old son?
I live in Texas. My 13-year-old son had a fight with my neighbor’s son and he broke the windshield of my neighbor’s car. Am I liable for his acts?
01/11/2017 | Category: Minors » Liability of... | State: Texas | #29910