Legal Questions and Answers
What is the marriage age in Wisconsin?
I am 19 years old and want to get married to my boyfriend who is 18 years old. What is the marriageable age in Wisconsin?
01/11/2017 | Category: Marriage | State: Wisconsin | #29898Can i file for divorce on the grounds of adultery if I forgave him?
My husband cheated on me by having sex with another woman in the year 2012. I filed a case against him and he was charged with the offense of adultery. Later my husband apologized, and for the sake of our children, we decided to give our marriage one last chance. Now my husband is very loving and everything is going on well between us. However, I am not able to forget his mista...
01/11/2017 | Category: Divorce » Grounds | State: New York | #29897i am an unmarried mother. Who will be considered the sole legal custodian of my child?
I am unmarried and I live in Ohio. I gave birth to a child. I would like to know if I will be considered as the sole legal custodian of my child?
01/11/2017 | Category: Minors » Custody | State: Ohio | #29893My wife’s nickname is used in our marriage license. Will this invalidate our marriage?
My wife and I got married a month back in Tennessee. Last week I found that my wife’s nickname is used in our marriage license. Will this invalidate our marriage?
01/11/2017 | Category: Marriage » License | State: Tennessee | #29891We wish to change our 11-year-old son's name. Is my son’s consent required?
I live with my wife and 11-year-old son in Texas. We want to change our son’s name. Is my son’s consent required to change his name?
01/10/2017 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #29830Is it possible to restore maiden name post divorce?
I am a resident of Arkansas. I changed my surname to my husband's surname. We are planning for a divorce. Can I restore my maiden name after divorce?
01/10/2017 | Category: Name Change | State: Arkansas | #29829Should a tenant receive a receipt for a rental payment?
I have recently shifted to a rented house in New York. I am supposed to pay the first month’s rent in ten days. Is there provision under which a landlord is obligated to provide the tenant with receipts of rental payments received by him?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Residential ... | State: New York | #29827Once the rental agreement is in place, can I occupy the house immediately?
I have been on the lookout for a house to rent in the city of New York and have finally decided on one. I am planning to enter into a rental agreement with the owner of the house. Once the rental agreement is in place, can I occupy the house immediately?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #29826What can a tenant do if the landlord fails to deliver the possession of the rental premises?
My landlord has failed to deliver me the possession of the rental premises. I am a resident of New York. What can I do in such a situation?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #29825Can landlord evict me for holding over after lease expires?
I am living in a rented house in New York. Per the mutual agreement between me and my landlord, I rented the house on a monthly basis. Can my landlord remove me from the rental premises for occupying the rented house beyond the duration agreed between me and my landlord?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New York | #29824