Legal Questions and Answers
Can my ex-husband now dispute that our oldest daughter is his for purposes regarding child support?
My ex-husband and I have been divorced for 13 years. We have a 17 year old daughter. We were married when I was 4 months pregnant. We both knew she might not be his, but he said it didn't matter and signed the birth certificate. When she was 12, I had a paternity test done with the other man who could have been the father. The test indicated that he was her father. My ex-husban...
03/02/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Ohio | #768How can I take legal action on a horse that was left on my property thta want to keep?
How can I take legal action on a horse that was left on my property thta want to keep? See the owner of the horse was going to train my 2 year old horse and break the horse. So he left his horse at my home but the guy never came back to train my horse. We are feeding and caring for this horse like are own for 5 months now.
03/01/2007 | Category: Animals | State: California | #767If a child is adopted by stepfather does she still have claim to biological father's estate?
Mother and father divorce. Mother remarries. Stepfather adopts child. Does the child have an interest or legal right to be beneficiary of her original father's assets if he dies without a will or do the assets go to the state? There are no other possible beneficiaries.
03/01/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #765How long do I have after my tenants vacate the apartment to pay back their security deposit?
I am a landlord. How long do I have after my tenants vacate the apartment to pay back their security deposit? Also, if their is damage to the property, do I need to deduct the cost of repairs out of their security?
03/01/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Connecticut | #764Who does money go to that is held in joint bank account when one party becomes deceased?
My Father and his wife lived in Florida. Father's wife had a joint checking account with her elderly mother in Mississippi. This account had approximately $200,000.00. The Mother passed away. Three grandchildren (nieces of my father's wife) filed suit claiming their share of the $200,000.00. There is on file a letter from the attorney for my Father's wife's in Mississippi st...
03/01/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Mississippi | #763If my husband and I do not live together are we considered legally separated?
I have been married to my spouse for three years but we separated (he left) four months after we married. We have two children and I am carrying our third at this time. Are we considerred legally separated since we have not lived together in almost three years? Also, he has never paid child support. Does he have any rights as far as custody of our children? Lastly, what is ...
03/01/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: New York | #762When moving to Washington state what are the requirements regarding change of driver's license?
When moving into the state of Washington what are the rquirements regarding change of driver's license, tag, etc.?
03/01/2007 | Category: Automobiles | State: Oregon | #761Can I revoke the waiver of counsel I signed at the courthouse before court?
Can I revoke the waiver of counsel I signed at the courthouse before court? I have appeared and been given a sentence but feel it is unjust and would like counsel appointed to appeal or amend the sentence.
03/01/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Kansas | #759How do I go about obtaining guardianship for an aunt who is 89 years old and has Alzheimer disease?
How do I go about obtaining guardianship for an aunt who is 89 years old and has Alzheimer disease? Would I become responsible for her bills?
02/19/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Illinois | #748In Illinois how long does a landlord have to return the security deposit after inspection?
In Illinois, when a tenant moves out, how many days do I have to inspect the apartment for damages before I have to return the security deposit?
02/19/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Illinois | #747