Legal Questions and Answers
Can the court order support for my son who lives with me before divorce is granted?
My husband and I live separately. I filed for divorce a month back. I am having financial difficulties and need support. I would like to know if the court can order support for my son who lives with me before divorce is granted? We are residents of Virginia.
12/28/2016 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #28917Can a 21 year old boy be guilty of rape for inducing a 16 year old girl into having a sexual intercourse?
My 16 year old daughter engaged in sexual activity with a 21 year old boy from the neighborhood. He used to observe her for months and slowly caught her attention through a social networking site. He then induced her into having a sexual intercourse. Can the boy be punished for rape since my daughter is only 16?
12/28/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: North Dakota | #28915Is there any law in North Dakota that can punish a 21 year old for having consensual physical relationship with a 16 year old?
I am 21 years old and my girlfriend is 16. We have been in a physical relationship and recently her father found out about this. He has decided to report me to the police. I believe I am not committing any crime since my girlfriend consented to it. Is there any law in North Dakota that can punish me for being in a physical relationship with my girlfriend?
12/28/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: North Dakota | #28914Father dies two days after my Mother. Who inherits what from who?
My friend died of heart attack two days after his wife passed away in a car accident in North Dakota. They do not have any kids and both of them do not have parents now. The only person living in surviving them is my friend’s wife’s maternal grandmother who stays in the same town. My friend has left behind a huge property, and no will. Who would get the property? Are grandparen...
12/28/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: North Dakota | #28913Does spouse, child or both inherit property if no will in North Dakota?
My father passed away a month back in North Dakota. He did not leave any will behind. Will his property be inherited by my mother who is still alive or will I directly inherit the intestate share of my father?
12/28/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: North Dakota | #28912Will the guardian have the power over an unmarried 19 year old?
I am the court appointed guardian of my 18 year old niece since the death of her parents. She is turning 19 next month. Will I still have the power and responsibilities of a guardian over her since she is unmarried and does not have parents? What is the law in North Dakota?
12/28/2016 | Category: Guardianship | State: North Dakota | #28911Can i stop the child support to my 18 year old son, once he gets graduated?
My son, who is 18 years old, is currently attending High school in North Dakota and I have been providing child support to him. Now that his coursework and examinations are done and he is going to graduate next month, can I stop the child support which was ordered by the court? Will he be considered as a major?
12/28/2016 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: North Dakota | #28910What are the rights of illegitimate children to inherit from their Father in New York?
What are the rights of illegitimate children to inherit from their Father in New York?
12/27/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » illegitimate... | State: New York | #28901My wife is pregnant and says I will be the Father even though we are not together. Help.
My wife is having a kid by her B.f and I'm being told that I'll be on the bc and have to pay child support we haven't been together in over 3 years I need help
12/27/2016 | Category: Paternity » Married Woman | State: Ohio | #28888Do drinking glasses in hotel rooms have to be individually wrapped?
Do drinking glasses in hotel rooms have to be individually wrapped?
12/27/2016 | Category: Boarding » Hotels and M... | State: Montana | #28876