Legal Questions and Answers
What are the factors to determining child support amount in Mississippi?
My husband and I have been separated for two years and are going to get divorced. We have two children together. What are the factors that court takes into consideration when determining the child support amount in Mississippi?
12/28/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Mississippi | #28937What factors does the court consider when fixing the child support amount in Vermont?
My wife and I are getting divorced. We have 3 children together. What factors does the court consider when fixing the child support amount in Vermont?
12/28/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Vermont | #28936Due to lack of evidence I was not charged. Can I get my arrest record expunged in Hawaii?
I was arrested for assault but was not charged because of lack of evidence. Can I get my arrest record expunged in Hawaii?
12/28/2016 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Hawaii | #28935What remedy does a landlord have for a tenant’s failure to pay rent in Alaska?
My tenant had failed to pay last month’s rent. He lost his job and I’m not sure if he will be able to pay the rent anytime soon. What remedy does a landlord have for a tenant’s failure to pay rent in Alaska?
12/28/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Alaska | #28934Can I have the child genetically tested to see if I’m the father?
My wife and I have been married for 5 years and live in Hawaii. We have a two-year-old son together. I suspect the child is not mine. Can I have the child genetically tested to see if I’m the father?
12/28/2016 | Category: Paternity | State: Hawaii | #28933What factors will the court take into consideration to fix the support amount for a spouse in Hawaii?
I am getting a divorce from my wife. We have been separated for two years. What factors will the court take into consideration to fix the support amount for a spouse in Hawaii?
12/28/2016 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: Hawaii | #28932Do I need my parents’ consent for a counselling session with the psychiatrist?
I am 15 years old and living with my parents in Alabama. I have graduated high school last year. I am in a state of depression due to my recent breakup with my girlfriend. I want to take go to a psychiatrist so that he can treat my depression. My parents do not allow me to go to a psychiatrist for a treatment. Do I need my parents’ consent for a counselling session with the psy...
12/28/2016 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Alabama | #28931Do I need to return the security deposit of a tenant who failed to pay rent in Hawaii?
My tenant left town without paying two month’s rent and without any notice. I was unsuccessful in contacting him. Do I need to return the security deposit of a tenant who failed to pay rent in Hawaii?
12/28/2016 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Landlord Ten... | State: Hawaii | #28930Does a 17 year old need to take parent's consent before getting married in Alabama?
Me and my girlfriend are 17 years old and we wish to get married soon. Do we need the consent of our parents to get married? We are residing in the state of Alabama.
12/28/2016 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Alabama | #28929Is a 15 year old legally eligible to get married under the law prevailing in Alabama?
I am a 15 -year- old and want to get married to my boyfriend. Is a 15-year-old legally eligible to get married under the law prevailing in Alabama?
12/28/2016 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Alabama | #28928