Legal Questions and Answers
Am I liable to pay to the landlord for extra days I stayed in the rental property?
I live in a rented house in Washington. However, I continued to stay in the house for a few days even after the expiry of the rental agreement and my landlord never asked me to vacate. Now he is asking me to pay for the days I had stayed after the expiry of the rental agreement. Am I liable to pay for those extra days I stayed?
12/27/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #28839How can a tenant who is the sole occupant of the dwelling unit, designate a relative as his representative.
I live in a rented apartment in Washington. I am the sole occupant of the dwelling unit. I pay rent on a quarterly basis. However, as my health is deteriorating I would like to designate my nephew to act as my representative in case something happens to me. How do I go about it?
12/27/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Death of Ten... | State: Washington | #28838How can a tenant in armed forces terminate tenancy upon reassignment or deployment orders?
I live in a rented apartment in Washington. I have been working with the armed forces for 10 years. I am subject to reassignment every six to ten months. How can I terminate my tenancy upon reassignment or deployment orders?
12/27/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Washington | #28837What are the duties of a landlord in Washington?
I have rented out an apartment in Washington. What are my duties as a landlord?
12/27/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #28836My ex is threatening to lien my property for money she claims I owe?
Hello. My ex is threatening to put a lien on my property. She claims I owe her money. The car I drive is owned by my grandfather and I am a co signer on it. Can she put a lien on that car? Especially since we still owe the bank more than its worth?
12/26/2016 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #28816The tenant abandoned the rental house for 2 months. What do I do?
My apartment in Delaware has been rented out for the past one year. For the last 2 months, I noticed that the tenant abandoned the property without any intimation. The extended absence and uncertainty in tenancy have put me in dilemma. What remedy do I have in this matter?
12/26/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Delaware | #28807Can the tenant terminate the lease if landlord does not deliver possession as agreed?
I entered a rental agreement for a residential apartment in Delaware. The landlord could provide possession of the rental unit at the time prescribed in the agreement. Can I terminate the lease and recover the pre-paid rent and security deposit as I am unable to enter possession on the stipulated day?
12/26/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Delaware | #28806Can the tenant recover the security deposit if rental unit caught fire without any fault of the tenant?
I was a tenant in Delaware. The apartment unit in which I lived caught fire not due to my fault and the property became unusable. I quit the place immediately. Can I recover my security deposit and prepaid rent from the landlord?
12/26/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Delaware | #28805Can a tenant terminate the lease and move out before the lease term ends?
I am a tenant in Delaware and need to change my residence as my employer’s establishment has been relocated some 40 miles away. Can I terminate the lease and move out before the lease term ends?
12/26/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Delaware | #28804After signing the acknowledgement of paternity, the DNA test revealed that the child is not mine. What can i do now?
I am married and live in Michigan. I voluntarily acknowledged the paternity of the child of my ex-girlfriend 6 months ago, upon the belief that the child is mine. But last week I underwent a DNA test and has confirmed that the child is not mine. What is the procedure to revoke parentage?
12/26/2016 | Category: Paternity | State: Michigan | #28803