Legal Questions and Answers
Can I relocate an easement that runs through my property?
can I relocate an easement that runs through my property to better utilize use of my land. the relocation would not restrict use of neighboring land.
12/25/2016 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Illinois | #28753If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
12/24/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #28751Can I reverse the adoption of my two daughters?
I adopted my daughters 6 yrs ago. They are now 11 and 12. I want them back home now though and they as well want to come home. Can i get a lawyer and reverse my adoption after so long.
12/24/2016 | Category: Adoption » Reversal | State: Pennsylvania | #28750Can a cousin lock my husband out if he was the only son of his deceased Father?
My mother in-law law died 2 weeks ago and my husband is the only child she had no will can his cousin lock her out and not let him get her belongings TV, washer dryer,ECT.
12/24/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Tennessee | #28745Why must I wait a year to get my share of the estate of my Mother?
My mother died in October 2016. She left me 10% of her estate. Her home sold but escrow doesn't close until January 6. I was told I would not receive my 10% until 2018. Why?
12/24/2016 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #28744If I'm not legally adopted by the people I live with, can I choose where to live?
If I'm not legally adopted by the people I live with, can I choose where to live?
12/24/2016 | Category: Adoption » Reversal | State: Georgia | #28741Should my husband will me the house or add me to the deed? which is safer for me and our child
should my husband will me the house or add me to the deed? which is safer for me and our child
12/24/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Ohio | #28737What remedy is available to a 15 year old if the parents are physically and mentally abusing such person.
I am a 15 year old living in California with my parents. I have been physically and mentally abused by my parents for two months. I want to file a complaint against them. What will be the remedy given to me?
12/24/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Parental Aut... | State: California | #28732Is it possible to divide the community property?
My husband and I live in California. We jointly own a community property ever since we got married. Is it possible to divide the community property between the both of us into personal and individual property?
12/24/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: California | #28731Will the death of one proposed adoptive parent invalidate the adoption in process?
I live in New York. A month ago, my husband and I filed a petition to adopt a child from an agency . But last weekend, my husband died of heart attack. Will the death of an adoptive parent invalidate the adoption which is supposed to take place?
12/24/2016 | Category: Adoption | State: New York | #28730