Legal Questions and Answers
What is the procedure for emancipation in Florida.
I want to get away from my parents who are very overbearing. I am self-sufficient and am 16 years old. I want to know the procedure for emancipation in Florida.
12/23/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Florida | #28676My boyfriend and I are 17 year old. Do we need our parent's consent to get married?
I am pregnant with my boyfriend’s child. I am 17 years old and so is my boyfriend. We want to get married but our parents won’t give us their consent. Is it necessary that we get our parent’s consent for marriage in Florida?
12/23/2016 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Florida | #28675Can a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl get married in Florida?
My boyfriend and I are planning to get married in Florida. He is 17 years old and I am 15. How can we do that in Florida?
12/23/2016 | Category: Marriage » Minor | State: Florida | #28674Who inherits property in Florida if my Wife died and we have children but no Will?
My wife died in an accident. I have a child from my earlier marriage and two from the marriage with her. How will her property be divided amongst the surviving members of the family?
12/23/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Florida | #28672What is intestate law in Florida when children from different spouses?
My husband died without a will in Florida. He had two kids from his prior marriage and we have two kids in our marriage. How will his property be divided in this situation?
12/23/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Florida | #28671How can I lawfully dispose the tenant’s belongings left behind in the rental property ?
I am a resident of Maine. I had rented a property to a family. Recently the tenants vacated the house but left a few of their belongings in the rental property. How can I lawfully dispose the tenant’s belongings?
12/23/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Return Perso... | State: Maine | #28669In Maine, how many days notice is to be given by the landlord before increasing the rent?
I live in a rented apartment with my family. Yesterday my landlord came to visit me and informed that he has increased the rent of the apartment. My landlord informed me about the increase in rent only two days prior to the due date of monthly rent payment. I am required to pay my rent for the last month within two days. In Maine, how many days notice is to be given by the land...
12/23/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Residential ... | State: Maine | #28668What is the maximum amount of security deposit in Maine?
I am shifting to the city of Maine next month and would like to rent an apartment. What is the maximum amount of security deposit that one would have to make for a tenancy at will agreement in Maine?
12/23/2016 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Maine | #28667Can I file a complaint against my neighbor’s for having a dangerous pet in the rental property?
Last year I rented my property located in the City of Westbrook, Maine. The house is rented to a family comprising of a husband wife and their two children. Recently the tenants have bought a dog. Yesterday when I along with my daughter went to meet the tenants, the tenant’s dog jumped on my daughter. Fortunately, the dog couldn’t bite my daughter, but my daughter did get a few...
12/23/2016 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Maine | #28666I would like to know the grounds under which maintenance order can be modified or terminated.
I live in Kentucky. I got divorced from my wife a year ago. I have been providing her maintenance ever since. I would like to know the grounds under which maintenance order can be modified or terminated.
12/23/2016 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Kentucky | #28663