Legal Questions and Answers
how do you tell your empoyee of budgets cuts
how do you tell your empoyee of budgets cuts
05/23/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Nebraska | #16763What is the process and time frame for completing emancipation in the state of Missouri?
What is the process and time frame for completing emancipation in the state of Missouri?
05/23/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Louisiana | #16762When are medical records considered published?
When are medical records considered published?
05/23/2009 | Category: Medical Records | State: Ohio | #16761How do I get my tax refund if the state refuses to release based on other tax liabilities?
Having payed a tax payment found by the Virginia Tax Department in 2008, for taxes on a cashed in Insurance policy in 2005 of about $2,300.00. I paid the tax and penalties within a month of the notice (I have all the receipts and paper work) in April 2009 my bank account was seized for the money I had already paid. I contacted the VA Tax Department and sent them my receipt and ...
05/23/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Virginia | #16760My aunt passed away. There was no will. She had no children. She had one brother and 2 sisters all are deceased. The next li...
My aunt passed away. There was no will. She had no children. She had one brother and 2 sisters all are deceased. The next living kin are nieces and nephews from all brothers and sisters. How is the estate divided. Do each of the nieces and nephews get the parents share and divide it amoung the group or is the estate divided equally between the nieces and nephews?
05/22/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Alabama | #16758Hi, My name is Helen Brouwer. My husband is 94 years old. And he is too old, weak and sometimes unhealthy to decide. I want t...
Hi, My name is Helen Brouwer. My husband is 94 years old. And he is too old, weak and sometimes unhealthy to decide. I want to know how to set a power of attorney for medical and financial reason.
05/22/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #16757How do I get information on new appeals rule XI filed April 3, 2008 No M 230-07?
How do I get information on new appeals rule XI filed April 3, 2008 No M 230-07?
05/22/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: District Of Columbia | #16756What are dog owner's rights?
Owner's dog bit a child in the arm that was leaning over the owners fence into the owners yard. The bite did require some surgery. The owner was cited with harboring a dangerous animal even though the dog had never bitten anyone before. What are the owner'rs rights and defense? The humane society has seized the dog pending an investigation. What are dog's rights? The bitin...
05/22/2009 | Category: Misc | State: Nebraska | #16755If a home is held in two seperate trusts equally, who is responsible for upkeep?
Is there a law in CA, that states, if there are 2 trusts which each contain 50% of a house, that both trusts are responsible for 50% of all fees pertaining to the upkeep and sale of the house? If so please let me know where to find this law.
05/22/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Arizona | #16754What if you would like to date someone and you have a legal separation in South Carolina?
What if you would like to date someone and you have a legal separation in South Carolina?
05/22/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: South Carolina | #16753