Legal Questions and Answers
How do I evict my mother and sister if we have no lease?
What do you have to do if you want your mother and sister to move out of your house? There is no agreement on paper and they refuse to move out.
04/28/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: ALL | #16318Is there a statute of limitations to collect for repayment of a loan?
I loaned a friend $15,000 five and a half yrs ago with repayments to commence September of 2006 at a min of $250/month. She paid back a total of $2500 from September of 2006 thru March of 2007 then stopped due to financial problems. Can I sue her even tho the original loan is more than the 4 years statute of limitations when repayment is only 11 months lapsed?
04/28/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: ALL | #16317Could I face disciplinary action for using supplements/prohormones?
I am currently employed by the U.S government in federal law enforcement. While I was in college, I used supplements/prohormones, up until the ban of prohormones in 2005. Now that you have my background. Here is my question? I am currently taking a product called Epidrol by Genera Supplements, it is sold by, which is a legitimate retailer of nutritional s...
04/28/2009 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #16316What type of motion can I file to enforce visitation if parents are in two seperate states?
Divorce w/ children Final Hearing Finished 03-30-09 - No Decree is on File. No Guidelines for Visitation given or in the Transcript. Custodial Parent resident MN. Denied all visitation requests for 21 months. I have Joint Legal Parental Rights w/ normal visitation rights. What form(s) Motion would I need to file in order to Enforce Oklahoma State Laws for the rights of my two ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: Texas | #16315If I want to rent out a room in my home, what type of lease is needed?
I want to rent a room in my house to an individual. What sort of lease agreement do I need?
04/28/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: ALL | #16314Can I put a lien on a home that is for sale to satisfy my judgement?
I have a judgement against someone for money owed. They are selling their house soon and moving out of the state. Can I take a certified copy of the judgement to the Register Of Deeds and have a lien put on their property? If not what else can I do?
04/28/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: ALL | #16313If I was found to not be the father, can my name be removed from birth certificate?
Almost seven years ago my girlfriend got pregnant, with what I thought was my child. She convinced me to marry her and join the military to help pay for the medical expenses. We were married for two years while I was in the military and I raised my son during this time with her. I caught her cheating on me and filed for divorce. She then moved to Florida with my son and I moved...
04/28/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: ALL | #16312Am I responsible for my father's hospital bill if I signed the Authorized consenter section?
My Dad is admitted to hospital last week. Since he was in serious condition, they took my signature in the Authorized consenter section. Patient is unable to consent because: Pt. med condition. I therefore consent for the patient. Now my question is, am I financially responsible for his hospital stay if he is unable to pay for the bills? Can they make me liable because I signe...
04/28/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: ALL | #16311What if I was ordered to complete a Florida Rule of Civil procedure form 1.977 and I do not?
My wife and I have lost a law suit for $28,000. We have been ordered to complete a Florida Rule of Civil procedure form 1.977. We strongly object to filling in that part of the form that asks the names and addresses of our children. They are all over the age of 45. None live in the State of Florida. What can the reprecussions be if we refuse to give this information?
04/28/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Settlements | State: Florida | #16308How do I get out of the business that I am a partner in?
I am partners with another person in a corporation. I am the President. My partner wants to purchase another truck and expand the business and I do not wish to because we are losing money. I was told that all I had to do was to write a Letter of Resignation and that would make it to where I am no longer liable for any debts that the business may come into. My partner is going ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: ALL | #16307