Legal Questions and Answers
We are recovering insurance money for a deceased recipient. The deceased assets are in a trust.
We are recovering insurance money for a deceased recipient. The deceased assets are in a trust. Therefore, we are using small estate affidavits. The deceased lived in California. Two of the heirs live in California, but one lives in Ohio. Should each heir fill out a separate affidavit? Should the Ohio heir use a Ohio form?
12/16/2008 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: California | #14814Can I legally terminate the lease and get out of it?
I currently share a 2 bedroom house with a roommate. We are both on the lease. I am trying to sublease for the last 3 months (moving for work) of lease with landlords approval. Roommate is making situation difficult. He has a cat. The lease stipulates no animals. Can I legally terminate the lease and get out of it?
12/15/2008 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #14813Why would a rule nisi be filed after a civil court?
why would a rule nisi be filed after a civil court has been over and a judge has rendered his ruling?
12/15/2008 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Georgia | #14812What are my rights when having a rented portable storage unit repossessed?
I live in CA. My friend rented a portable storage container in 05 & parked it on my property. He went to jail. I have been paying on it monthly ever since. I have struggled with the payments and they have always been late. I pay the late fee and go on. Friday when nobody was home he came and took the container full of my and Jail boy's belongings. Didn't he need my permission t...
12/15/2008 | Category: Abandoned Pr... » Abandoned Pr... | State: California | #14811Is the kick back from a computer vendor illegal (felony or misdemeanor)?
I am a decision maker in charge of the computer department for the entire company. I have received kick backs from vendors which my employer may have found out recently. I have been laid off last Monday 12/8 and after that they have 'probably' found out the kick back fact. Am I in trouble? In other words, is the kick back from a computer vendor illegal (felony or misdemeano...
12/14/2008 | Category: Criminal | State: Michigan | #14807Garnishment of wages for unpaid rent
I have a very good friend who is a landlord and has been doing this type of business for almost thirty years now. He owns 10 residential houses in the Town of Chili, and owns two other houses in the City of Rochester, one of which is rented out to anybody he wishes to rent it to. This is the scenario, I had a good friend, 25 years old, as he no longer is who works at Bowlers ...
12/14/2008 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #14805If you are a land developer and your projects include some of the largest residential subdivisions within the city and your b...
If you are a land developer and your projects include some of the largest residential subdivisions within the city and your business was developing the infrastructure of its newest and largest subdivision and the city discovered an easement for the city utility line on the subdivision that does not belong to the land developer and the property owner discovered the error also, a...
12/13/2008 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Florida | #14804Is Purchasing a Used Clothing Item and Returning it to a Department Store Considered Theft
I recently returned a suit to a department store. I was unaware that the suit was a knock-off (I purchased it from an online auction). The suit did not have a tag, but being a one time employee there, I knew what the policy was. The policy is to get a tag from a similar item to appease the customer especially when they are putting it on their store credit card. Another employee...
12/13/2008 | Category: Criminal | State: Maryland | #14803What is the legal definition of borrowed employee?
What is the legal definition of borrowed employee? Can a person working for a nonprofit organization within a government organization file a civil rights VII suit against the organization if they work within the organization, use the organization's computer, and have to go through extensive training and certification by the organization? This would be a sexual harassment case ...
12/13/2008 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Colorado | #14802Statute of Limitations for Statutory Rape Charge in Missouri
I have a friend who was molested when he was 12 years old; he is 26 now. In the state of Missouri what is the statute of limitations on statutory rape?
12/13/2008 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: Missouri | #14799