Legal Questions and Answers
How to Transfer Deed After Death of Joint Tenants
My sister and I along with two others that have 1/4 undivided interest, and a life tenant were left a home. My sister and I are the only two surviving. How do I change the deed to reflect this? Will we have the right to sell?
12/17/2008 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Pennsylvania | #14826Am I entitled to money my father instructed the executor to give me before he deceased?
My father passed away approximately a year and a half ago. Before he passed, he distributed money to 3 of the kids. He did not distribute any to 2 other children at that time. Before he passed, he promised these two children they would get equal amounts and told the executor/power of attorney to get the money and give to the other two children. This did not happen. The exec...
12/17/2008 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Mississippi | #14825Can I file for legal separation and divorce myself?
I am seeking separation/divorce information in South Carolina. This will be mutual without contest. Marriage is less than two years old, no children, no joint assets, and no maritial acquired assets. To avoid legal cost burdens on both parties, is it possible to file/acquire a simple separation agreement with or without counsel to limit being bound to all the separation laws....
12/17/2008 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: South Carolina | #14824What can I do to force my landlord into making repairs?
My landlord never personally visited the condo property before I rented from her. The previous renter had a small dog in which it urinated in numerous areas leaving yellowish stains that weren't able to be removed by carpet specialists. Along with the yellowish stains, there are light pink stains throughout the entire condo, both these stains throughout have caused an unbearabl...
12/17/2008 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: South Carolina | #14823What can I do if I have enriched to property I live on more than I paid and am considering divorce?
What if a person in a marriage has enriched the property they live on more than they paid for it. The property had a house on it with 3 acres; I planted a citrus grove with 600 producing trees.
12/17/2008 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Louisiana | #14822What is the correct way to terminate our lease early due to job relocation?
We are terminating a 2 year lease on a home in Illinois after 18 months due to a job relocation. Can we pay the 18th month rent with the security deposit we made initially, which will cover the rent?
12/17/2008 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Illinois | #14820Is Probation before Judgement Public Record?
I was recently denied employment because I had a Probation Before Judgment (in 2003) on a record background check. I thought this was a Non Public Record and was it proper for them to use this as a reason to not hire me.
12/16/2008 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Georgia | #14819Can our rental company contact my husband's employer and slander him?
We're hoping to understand if we have a slander case on our hands. My family was living in a temporary rental home due to a corporate relocation. A few weeks before we moved to a permanent residence, I was pulling into the garage in my car and was about 2/3 in, when the garage door reversed and came down on the car roof. Fortunately for us, there was no damage to my car and ...
12/16/2008 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Arizona | #14818Does my business partner have the right to rescind a gift of stock?
My business partner (relative) gifted a friend 7% of our fledgling business about 1 year ago just because she was a friend who was supportive of her. Our company is a LLC. We have made no money in the 2 years of operation. Now my partner/relative realizes she needs that percentage to maintain her majority control of the business as well as being able to obtain financial inve...
12/16/2008 | Category: Donations » Gifts | State: New Jersey | #14817How do I change my son's last name to mine since his mother was married when he was born?
I need to change the name of five year old boy to take my last name. The boy was born while the mother was still married to ex-husband and therefore carries his last name. I am the biological father. The boy and mother now live with me.
12/16/2008 | Category: Name Change | State: New Jersey | #14816