Legal Questions and Answers
What is the legal age to consent to have sex?
What is the legal age to consent to have sex?
11/24/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Kansas | #12782Is my son guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
My son was at a friend's house watching football one Sunday afternoon. He is 24 years old and both his friends are 26. While her was there two 14 year olds come in and the one who rents the apartment gave her a drink. The police came up later to ask the renter some questions and smelled the drink on the minor and all three adults were arrested and charged with contributing t...
11/24/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Tennessee | #12772What does it mean if the Judge strikes my answer and rules in favor of the Plaintiff?
I am currently going through an eviction. I answered a summons and do not understand what the judge's reply that I received. Please explain his decision for me as this is what he wrote. Order striking defendant's (myself) answer's, He's saying that the defendant's answer to tenant eviction be stricken due to defendant(myself) having no defense and Final Judgment shall enter upo...
11/24/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Florida | #12768How do I subpoena someone who is in jail?
How do I subpoena someone who is in jail?
11/24/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Florida | #12762What will happen to my credit if the home I quitclaimed to my ex is bring foreclosed on?
I was divorced 2 years ago and I'm now re-married. My new wife and her mother have obtained financing for a new home that will be occupied by me and my new wife. I signed a quitclaim deed on the home that my ex and I financed and that home is being foreclosed on. I want to be on the deed for the new home. What legal ramifications will I face regarding the old mortgage?
11/23/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Florida | #12753If someone has been excluded in a will are they still entitled to profit from real property?
My father died in 2002. There are 6 siblings. Everything went to my mom however she passed in 2006. My father excluded three of us. The will states the other two get all personal property and cash assets. There is real property involved. Are the three that have been written out entitled to a share after it is sold?
11/23/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Connecticut | #12746If my home is foreclosed on in Florida will I face a deficiency judgment?
Our residency is in Wisconsin. We are contemplating foreclosure on our second home in Florida. We understand that Florida Law allows for deficiency judgments, and that judgment can be filed after foreclosure. It is conceivable that the foreclosure sale price will be less than the the amount owed the bank. Our question are: 1. Would we be liable for the difference between th...
11/23/2007 | Category: Real Property ยป Foreclosure | State: Florida | #12740if there is no will what is the order of priority for distribution of an estate?
In Georgia, if there is no will what is the order of priority for distribution of an estate? (Particular interest in real property.)
11/23/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Georgia | #12739What paperwork is needed to validate a marriage from the 1930's?
I am looking for a form to validate a marriage that was performed back in the 1930's. The wedding was a Traditional Native American ceremony. So to this day there hasn't been actual proof of marriage. I need a form to confirm the marriage with witnesses who are still alive today. If you can't find an exact form ... point me the right direction to get the proper forms.
11/23/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Arizona | #12738Are there certain standards that a conservator must uphold?
Is there a standard for a person to be a conservator? Example:a person can not manage their own affairs, they quit their job after 18 years no income, forclosure on their home, has several mental breakdowns, files for mental disability and tries to continue their lively hood under Ward income. Can this person continue to be a conservator?
11/22/2007 | Category: Conservatorship | State: Alabama | #12724