Legal Questions and Answers
If I have a limited power of attorney for someone to assist him in clearing up fraudulent accounts with credit bureaus and cr...
If I have a limited power of attorney for someone to assist him in clearing up fraudulent accounts with credit bureaus and creditors, how do I sign the documents/ affidavits? Do I sign my name since I am attaching copies of the Limited POA to the creditor or do I sign his name?
11/27/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: ALL | #12925Is it Legal for a Non-Custodial Parent to Give Alcohol to a Minor Child
Is it legal for a non-custodial step parent to give a minor (age 13) alcohol? If the answer is no, what are the steps to prosecute?
11/27/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Texas | #12920What amount of time is the landlord suppose to return a security deposit?
What amount of time is the landlord suppose to return a security deposit? We moved August 1st and still have not recieved our security deposit. The landlord keeps telling us "I'll send it to you in 2 or three weeks". It's been 2 or 3 months now. What should I do next?
11/27/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Georgia | #12911Does my landlord have an obligation to supply heat during the winter?
My landlord and I do not have a written lease agreement first of all, but it is currently between 30 and 45 degrees where I live during the day and between 10 and 30 degrees aat night, and we have no sufficient heat source, we use our cook stove for heat and a little oil filled heater in our childrens room, which has no insulation. Our landlord has been promising us a reliable ...
11/27/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Uniform Resi... | State: Nevada | #12907How do I get my criminal record expunged?
I was convicted of a misdemeanor theft charge in 2003 -- Codes CC3921A (Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition -- Disposition Unreported) and CC3922A1 (Theft by Deception -- Plead Guilty, County Probation, 2 yrs, Fines and Costs). I served out my probation & had paid restitution before I went to court and all fines and costs before I completed 1 year of probation. What I am ...
11/27/2007 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Pennsylvania | #12900If case was dismissed, how long does the defendant have to wait before he can request an expungement
If a misdemeanor case was dismissed, how long does the defendant have to wait before he/she can request for expungement? And how long does an expungement take with the help of a lawyer?
11/26/2007 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Texas | #12886Would both of my parents have to sign for me to become emancipated?
I am 16, but will be turning 17 December 23. My parents are divorced and I live with my dad, but my parents have 50/50 custody. If I wanted to emancipate myself would I have to have both parents to sign for it or jus one parent? And if I only need 1 parent would it have to be my dad?
11/26/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Louisiana | #12855What is the penalty for shoplifting and unauthorized use of confidential material?
My 19 year old daughter was arrested for buying and at the same time stealing alcohol with her sisters drivers license. They say they are investigating. The charges are shoplifting and unauthorized use of confidential material. She did not tell the police it was her sisters id and said she did not know the person. She was afraid since her sister is 6 months preg with twins...
11/26/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Hawaii | #12846What Constitutes Criminal Trespassing
I need information on trespassing into a high school football stadium which is also used for the public to jog and walk. The field remains opened and unlocked at all times.
11/26/2007 | Category: Real Property » Trespassing | State: Texas | #12835Penalties for DUI 40-6-391
I would like to know penalties for DUI 40-6-391 including loss of license and any other penalties.
11/25/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Georgia | #12810