Legal Questions and Answers
My Husband Died Without a Will
My husband passed away without a will. He told his children they could have the business shop and I have the house. My stepchildren want everything, including all contents from the house and shop. I want to move and I know I am homestead. All contents from the house belong to me, but when I move do I still have all rights to the contents from the house, including the contents m...
10/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Texas | #10411Are you required to have a mold disclosure form with a residential lease?
Are you required to have a mold disclosure form with a residential lease?
10/16/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Residential ... | State: Illinois | #10388Does my daughter have to agree to joint custody?
My daughter has been served court papers to appear for hearing to establish paternity of her 2 year old child. She is unaware of who the father is and someone has now stepped forward. He has also stated on the document that he would like to have joint custody if he is the father. Does she have to agree to joint custody, not knowing who anything about this person? Will he ha...
10/16/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: New Jersey | #10378Can I relocate with my daughter without notifying her father who was just released from prison?
I am about to move to Florida with my daughter, I need to know what forms to send my ex-husband so that I can legally move states with her. We have joint custody. I live in Oklahoma, and he resides in Dallas TX.Also the ex got out of prison about 5 months ago and still has not tried to arrange or even discuss child support. He has not paid in almost 7 years. What course of acti...
10/16/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Oklahoma | #10377What is a tenants obligation for the upkeep of a property?
Where can I obtain information on tenant obligation for upkeep of rental property?
10/16/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Michigan | #10374If my husband dies am I entitled to the house that is in his name only?
I remarried about a year and half ago after being widowed for about 5 years. I owned a home that was completely paid for. I recently sold that home and my husband and I are living in the home he owned before we were married. We have one child together, but neither of us have a will. I am spending some of the money from the sale of my house on the home we live in now, and some o...
10/16/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Tennessee | #10373Is it possible to get a title for an abandoned boat and sell it?
We have a small abandoned boat in our driveway. We called the police to have it removed and they stated only the owner of the vehicle can remove it or a towing company at our expense. They did say the boat has not been reported stolen and it is not recorded as being owned or registered to anyone. Is there a way I can obtain a title and sell the boat for the monies owed by the p...
10/16/2007 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Florida | #10371Is there a time frame for formal charges to be filed after an arrest?
My 19 year old son was arrested for taking a pickup truck. He turned himself in and was arrested for Criminal Defamation of Property. We paid the bail and he was released; however, we cannot find out the formal charges against him so we know whether or not to hire an attorney. I tried to make an appointment with the County Attorney to discuss the charges, but was told she ha...
10/16/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Kansas | #10360Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice
What types of causes can alter the normal 2 years on the statue of limitations for a medical malpractice case in Indiana to be brought to trial? The surgery that my mother suffered was 13 years ago and she attempted to bring the case to court, but never did successfully due to being so sick and not finding the proper legal help. She has since been diagnosed with several things ...
10/16/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Georgia | #10340DC Code 42-3509
What is DC code 42-3509?
10/16/2007 | Category: Courts | State: District Of Columbia | #10334