Legal Questions and Answers
How much notice should be given to tenants by landlord when asking to evacuate building for repairs?
Can a landlord of an apartment complex make the tenants evacuate the building to fix a supposed "plumbing" problem. If so how much notice has to be given. When we first moved in we were advised about the problem and was told that we would only be able to sign a six month lease because they wanted to work on the plumbing at the end of January. Are lease was supposed to end on...
10/18/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Tennessee | #10492After thirty years of marriage, what am I entitled to since my husband cheated?
After 30 years of marriage, I found out that he has been having an affair for the last 6 years. I told him to leave and within 2 hours he was living in her house in another city. We have one minor child at home and he just informed me that all the money is gone, after spending a few thousand on furniture, not to mention the limos, wineries, trips, tools, etc. Any recourse or...
10/18/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #10490Is it legal for the landlord to tell us ho wlong we may run our bathroom fan at one time?
My boyfriend and I rent an apartment, and recently a new upstairs neighbor moved in directly above us. On the first day she complained that our bathroom fans that come with the apt built into the ceiling are too loud for her and she cannot sleep. She again complained by leaving a post-it note on our door, telling us to "remember to turn our fan off when we get home". A week ...
10/18/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #10486Is it illegal for a 16 year old male and a 17 year female to engage in sexual activity?
Is it illegal for a 16 year old male and a 17 year female to engage in sexual activity?
10/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Oregon | #10485I need a form for Civil Code Section 3080.02 et seq to sell horses on which there is a lien?
I need the forms pursuant to California Civil Code Section 3080.02 et seq to sell horses on which there is a livestock service lien for boarding, feed, and care charges
10/17/2007 | Category: Forms | State: California | #10484Can my formed landlord sue me for malicious prosecution since I sued him for my deposit and won?
I filed a small claims case against my old landlord for unlawfully holding a portion of my security deposit. I had him served by a licensed process server, based off information provided to me by a licensed private investigator. The court date came, and my old landlord did not show. I presented my case and won. I filed for a bank levy to collect my winnings. Soon after, I ...
10/17/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: California | #10483What is the legal definition of the Alford Plea?
I am trying to understand the definition of the Alford Plea: After reading the definition this is my understanding of the definition. If someone stole a car and got pulled over by the police admitted to being in a stolen vehicle but not actually admitting stealing the vehicle. Would this be in the ball park of correct? If not correct could you give me an example of wha...
10/17/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Nevada | #10479What form can I file to take my ex-wife back to court for custody?
I am trying to take my ex-wife back to court to try to get custody. What form do I need or what is it called?
10/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Tennessee | #10469Is there a time limit for a will to be read
My father died over three years ago in Ohio. We (the children) know there was an original will, but we think he changed it. His surviving wife has told us there is no will. If there is a will, is there a statute of limitations for it to be read? What would happen if there is a will and anything left to the children is gone now?
10/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Pennsylvania | #10465What is the appropriate way to terminate my lease since I can no longer afford it?
I have a yearly apartment contract that expires next June. I got a new job that requires me to commute 1.5 hours each morning. My wife also commutes about 1.25 hours one way. I tried speaking with the office, but they said they cannot let me break without paying the rest of the rent. I cannot stay in my apartment because I cannot afford the commute. The salary for my job is les...
10/17/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Illinois | #10464